Thursday, December 27, 2007

Goals For The New Year

We often hear about new goals and new resolutions for the new year about this time. As we are planning--do we ever make new goals for a strong relationship with and service to our Lord?

Let us incorporate into our plans for the new year, to gain a closer and more intimate relationship with the Lord as never before.

Let us begin to have the kind of relationship with God that we have with our closest friends and spouses and children--but much better!

Take a journey into Psalms and see how David talked to God--that is a wonderful place to start.

Happy New Year!

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, December 13, 2007


Remember the old Captain and Teneel Song "Love Will Keep Us Together?" Or the Beatles' "All You Need Is Love?"

Those song while secular in nature, have a lot of wisdom to them. If we just practiced love a lot more--imagine what a different world it would be. Jesus said that all the law and the prophets hung on love. We can get so wrapped up on "church things" and all other sorts of religious matters. And yet, we often find ourselves lacking in true Jesus love. Let us be a people of love. The kind of love that makes people want what we have. And my God receive all the glory.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tis The Season

The longer I am a parent, the more I enjoy the Christmas time of year. Not because of gifts and material things--but because of the special time I get to spend with my wife and children. I love the Christmas movies and the values of giving and love and kindness they impart--that I desperately want my children to understand that such Christian attributes should be a year round thing. But if it takes this time of year for them to get an extra does of those values--thats cool with me.

My favorite Christmas movie is "Its A Wonderful Life." I have been watching it since I was a boy and I never tire of it.

Take some special time with your family this season. And praise God for all of His blessings.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Presidential Race

Some of you know that in my previous life, I was heavily involved in politics for years. As a full time congregational minister, I will not actively be involved in politics. But I still have my views. While I tend to lean more populist in my political leanings--maybe a tad more democratic even though I consider myself an independent. I was most impressed with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee last night at the Republican Debate. When asked if they believed that the Holy Bible was the word of God period and did they believe in that word in its entirety--most of the candidates kind of gave wishy washy, flaky responses. But not Huckabee--he simply said "Absolutely it is the word of God--period!"

All I could say is "Amen!"



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What I Am Thankful For

When I think of Thanksgiving--there is so much I am thankful for. I am thankful for my beautiful wife and children. I am thankful that God provides us a home to live in and food to eat and safety for my family. I am thankful for so many wonderful friends and Christian family. I am thankful for love. And I am most thankful that God loved all of us enough to be willing to give HIS all--HIS beloved son to die for us. That is something we can never stop thanking HIM for.

Let us thank HIM not just with words--but how we live our lives for HIM.



Monday, November 12, 2007

Lions For Lambs

I watched a really good movie last night called "Lions For Lambs." It was a really good movie that requires you to think and evaluate how apathethic our young people are today--which also represents many of their parents as well.

It makes me think, that whether one is for the war in Iraq or not--that all of us need to take a stand for something--believe in something! Stand up for a cause--instead of just existing.

Go check it out.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thank You Lord

Do you ever just take a moment to think about where you would be today without the Lord? I remember when I was sitting through Bacclaureate exercises a few months back at Dallas Christian College and our guest speaker was talking about how there is something worse than death--and that is "Being Separated From God!" That can give you chills just thinking about it!

Ever wonder where you'd be today had you not turned from your old life? I can look back at all of the constant sin I lived in that I really thought was not a big deal--and yet--I can remember the constant sadness, loneliness, lack of contentment, and how I never had any real joy. I do not miss those days at all.

Sometimes, I just say "Thank You Lord For Saving Me!" I want to sometimes just shout out loud, how grateful I am that He took me from that old life. He is so faithful!

Take a moment today and just thank your Lord God for saving you--for sacrificing Jesus for you.

Be blessed today because of Jesus.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mission From God

Ever seen the movie "The Blues Brothers?" My kids and I have watched that movie a dozen or more times together. I always love it when Dan Akroyd reminds John Belushi and others that "We Are On A Mission From God."

As Christians, do we actually consider ourselves on a mission from God?

We so often get caught up in the "business" of church and we forget what that Jesus gave us a very specific mission that we often do not carry out.

We so often get caught up in putting our faith around a building instead of putting our faith completely in the power of Jesus Christ!

If we say we are a Christians--let us live like a people who are on a mission from God! Let us become more and more, a people who are willing to share the hope that lies within us with our friends and neighbors and yes--even our family if they do not yet know the Lord. There is nothing more important we will ever do in "this" life besides obey the Gospel ourselves. Most of us would save a dying person from physical death if we could. If so, then surely we would want to help someone be saved from eternal damnation?

And when we go share our faith, let us do so with love and kindness and show the goodness and sweetness of Jesus when we share.

God Speed,
