Friday, April 25, 2008

Leaving No One Behind

When we sit around our churches and talk about the Great Commission--how much of that charge to we look at as being for foreign nations and how much of that do we look at as our responsibility here at home? Sometimes it is so much easier to send a check overseas and not have to deal with people who have lots of problems and poverty and the list goes on. But Jesus did not just send a check. He spent time with poor people and sick people and prostitutes and all kinds of other sinners.

There are thousands upon thousands of lost people whose children are suffering with no love of Jesus in their lives--right here in our communities where we live!! Will we take on our responsibilities at Christians and go seek those lost and help bring them into the light? Or will we just keep paying others to do our jobs for us?

Jesus told us that the harvest is ripe. Let us go work the harvest in love and help set sinners free from their bondage.

What a God we serve--to love us all enough to give His beloved Son to die for us! Let us daily show our appreciation back to Him.

Grace and Peace,


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God Is Good!

Do you ever just stop for a moment to think about all that God has done for you? Do you ever just look around and see all that God created? He is so faithful. He is so good. He just keeps changing lives and blessing people. Let us keep praising HIM and telling others how wonderful HE is!

Grace and Peace,
