Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are Church Leaders Really Prepared To Lead?

Dear Friends,

The church I lead is one that requires constant shepherding and working with people who have recently or semi-recently turned their lives over to Christ and learning to live that new life comes very difficult for many. So often, I come across situations and problems I so feel unqualified to deal with. I am talking about matters that would just blow Christians' minds who have never dealt with people vastly different than them.

While I am not qualified yet to be a shepherd, I have to serve in that function given that we do not have an eldership at this time. But I can sure see how critical it is to live under the Biblical standards laid out for church leaders. There is a new book I am reading (perhaps not so new to some) called "They Smell Like Sheep" by Lynn Anderson. It is so enlightening and helpful. (Now if God would just send us some men who could serve and do the work of Shepherds) :) Also, there is a book called "Biblical Eldership" by Strausch that is also very educational about Biblical standards and roles for elders/shepherds. Such books are good for anyone in Christian leadership--be they elders, deacons, ministers, small group leaders, Bible class teachers, evangelists, mentors and parents.

May the Lord equip us all to serve HIS church well.

Grace and Peace,
