Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Perhaps it sounds strange that a preacher of the Gospel hates Christmas? Well, not in the way you might think.

Actually, I love the holiday spirit (although I think we are called to have goodwill toward all men and be cheerful givers year round), I love the songs--both secular and hymns, I love the lighter attitudes--and I love the fact that it gives Christians some opportunities to reach out to people who might not take that reaching to as well during the non-Christian time. And of course, I love to see the excitement on my children's faces.

What I hate--is that we have created such a materialistic and greedy sense of "I want and I need to receive stuff." Last time I checked, the savior in whose birth we are supposed to be celebrating said that He did not come to be served but instead to serve! Last time I checked the scriptures, Jesus said "It is better to give than to receive." And yet, our children are so often brainwashed into thinking its all about getting stuff. It is heartbreaking.

Whats worse, is we have created a system where children literally get hurt. So many children are taught and told that if they are good--they will receive gifts. And yet, I know dozens of children right here in my community who often get hurt each year because they hear that stuff and then receive nothing because their parents either cannot afford such luxuries or they just don't care.

Lets get back to focusing on celebrating the birth of our savior and Lord--not a time to boost department store sales for the holiday season. Lets get back to focusing on giving rather than receiving.

