Saturday, May 15, 2010


I recently wrote a post regarding how difficult it is for many Christians to develop an intimate relationship with God. Whether it is an older Christian who sits in the pews everytime the doors are open at a traditional church or a Christian who is in a newer Christian at a more progressive and evangelistic congregation--both often struggle with the same problem--they don't really know God!

There is a book I am reading called "The Christian Athiest" by Craig Groeschel. Groceschel is a pastor who once almost lost his relationship with God--because for years he had served God--but never really knew God! That may sound kinda crazy, but how many of us have actually experienced such things? My wife (who is not ashamed to express this) has struggled with just that struggle in the past. And I see many young people who also struggle with this--they attend church and youth activities--but they really struggle to really have a conversation with God.

I often deal with Christians in my congregation or other walks of life that I minister to--who just absolutely struggle--because when the storms of life hit (albeit often Satan)--they don't immediately turn to God and seek HIM and cry to HIM and praise HIS name constantly! Instead they turn to the world! And then their struggles and pain and heartaches just get worse--because they get the wrong medicine if you will?

Where are you? How is your relationship with God? I mean honestly? Not the standard response we give because we don't really want anyone to know how broken we are. But a "REAL" and honest response that allows ourselves and God to really see what needs to be healed. Well really, God already knows. But HE CAN ONLY HELP US IN OUR REALITY, NOT OUR FAKENESS!

Whenever I help one of our members or just anyone who has a sin struggle or some other kind of problem--I always make it clear that their real problem is not their sin or what appears to be attacking them--but instead--their real problem is their lack of relationship with Jesus!

I encourage all of us to keep really seeking to get to know God! I encourage all of us to begin a series of conversations and dialogues with HIM! If you need to cry or gripe or complain--TELL HIM! He can handle it! If you need to spend more time in God's word--so your spirit is constantly being reminded of a way to live--that will give us more peace and joy and less stress--then open up that "life giving word!"

An elder at another congregation who has been a mentor to me for many years once said this statement to me that was so incredibly thought provoking and really changed my entire outlook on ministry--he said this: "I don't care how much someone goes to church or does good works or can quote the Bible. Either people know the Lord or they don't!" Wow! I am not taking that statement and applying it to many well meaning and sincere Christians who love God, but maybe lack some in their relationship with HIM. But I think it is worth at least pondering for each of our own relationships with the ONE who created us?

What do you think? Are you or someone you know showing the fruit of a "Christian Athiest?" It doesn't have to stay that way!

"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him" (Titus 1:16).

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Struggle With Being Intimate With God

If you read John 15, it is hard not to see that for us to be able to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised--we can't just attend church or go feed the homeless from time to time. We have to "stay connected to the vine" as Jesus says. Often I watch my children avoid intimate prayer and discussion with God and I so want them to be able to have that joy and peace that such a relationship offers.

God does not just want "duty prayers" at church on Wednesdays or Sundays. He wants our hearts, He wants our undivided attention!

But I am noticing more and more--as I minister to new Christians and even Christians who have were baptized 5, 10, even 20 or 30 years before--struggle to have an intimate relationship with Christ? And it is killing families and relationships! It is preventing many Christians from ever having the kind of real peace and joy and purpose God intended them to have. It makes sin struggles sooooo much more difficult to ever overcome.

Why is this?

Why are so many Christians avoiding a relationship with Christ? If we read the Psalms, we see a wonderful example of how David communicates with God. Whether he was upset, angry, fearful, or rejoicing--David shared everything with God! God so wants that relationship with us also!

We need to be teaching new Christians how to serve yes--but also how to have a personal relationship with their Savior! There are so many blessings that flow from such a relationship.

Romans 12:1-2 tells us:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Don't we want to have renewed minds that no longer keep us stuck in the muck and the mire? Don't we want to finally move past the life of "KNOWING JUST ENOUGH ABOUT CHRISTIANITY TO BE MISERABLE!" But instead be able to really be transformed into being more and more like Jesus everyday? Don't we want to not constantly be wondering which way to go or struggling with trying to make a decision? Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could more often discern and know what God's will is in every situation?

Such a life of blessings and not a lot of chaos and frustation is available to us--when we actually build a relationship with Jesus. If we do not make the effort to have that relationship, we constantly struggle with all kinds of crap!

Lets have a conversation.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Godly Men Need To Treat Women

I preached a message Sunday called "What God Can Do With A Little Love And Kindness" from Ruth chapter 3. I was so moved at the kind of Godly man Boaz was, that I used that focus for a talk I gave to our men and boys that night at our men's fellowship.

I reminded our men/boys that we need to be seeking now how to become the kind of Godly men that all women will look at us like fathers, big brothers, and sons--and not what the world tells us to look like--which is often men looking at women like they are meat and useable creatures! THATS NOT WHAT GOD CREATED WOMEN FOR! Our young men need to be learning now how to one day lead their families--and how to treat their wives and daughters. Too many men have destroyed the image of God as a father because their daughters have never seen God in their fathers or adult male figures in their lives. We as Christian men, need to change that image and with God's help and guidance--we can!

It always makes me so sad that so many girls have grown into women and all they know about love--is that they have to give something of themselves to get it--something that was meant to be for a Godly marraige! THATS NOT LOVE! So many scars are left--such as insecurity, feelings of little self-worth, problems with intimacy and a general lack of trust for most men. And I am not even talking about girls who have been sexually abused! Thats a whole other struggle of pain! I am talking about women who felt that to have the love of a man--they had to go ahead and give up their innocence. AND ITS JUST A BIG LIE!

Our women should be treated like princesses--DAUGHTERS OF THE GREAT KING OF ALL KINGS! Thats how God created them!

As we approach Mother's Day--let us, the men of the Lord's Church--be focusing more and more on becoming the kind of men who treat their wives with honor and respect and value the critical role they play in God's kingdom and in our homes. Lets prepare our daughters to one day look for Godly men who could one day lead their families towards heaven--not just some guy who is "fun, wild and cool."

Let us become "Kinsman Redeemers" as Boaz was to women and girls who have never had any Godly men in their lives. And let us help them see that our God is a wonderful Father who is prepared to lavish lots of goodness and love on His daughter children. Let such girls and women see the love of a Fatherly God through us!