Monday, December 6, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

As we approach 2011, I have been working very hard to raise funds for the outreach ministry I've led here in Mesquite the past 6 years--based on the concept of Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem--and the church I lead the past 3 and a half years that was a result of what we once called the Nehemiah Ministry. Since I began that step of faith out of the business world those 6 plus years ago--I have seen God do absolutely amazing things!

I have personally had the privelige of teaching and baptizing over a 100 people--several who are now faithfully serving Christ and who are now out evangelizing and planting seeds. I've got to see numerous people who were once living in absolute rebellion to the Lord--who did not fit into society or into churches--who have since been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ! Parents are parenting better, spouses are better loving spouses, addictions have stilled or slowed, anger has turned to love, and there are so many stores I could share. Of course, there are many heartbreak stories too--but God is still to be praised through it all!

Recently, we have revived and put what once was the Nehemiah Ministry--into a renewed very aggressive evangelistic (that is practical and flexible in terms of how we reach different kinds of people in the community) work--and we now call it the Nehemiah Mesquite Mission. One of the purposes of this work is to bring in more and more Christians from the community to help us reach the entire City of Mesquite one day--especially the areas where there is poverty and real brokenness and children who have no Christian parents to teach them about the Lord's ways. This renewed Nehemiah work--is currently under At The Cross Church of Christ--our congregation--but will eventually be a 5013c. This allows us to better shepherd and equip the members of At The Cross--who are mostly new Christians--and better disciple them. At The Cross will still be very evangelistic in nature--but as The Nehemiah Mesquite Mission grows--At The Cross will hopefully soon have some of the pressure taken off it it with the many masses we currently serve--by getting more help from Christians in the community who may not want to join At The Cross Church--but could still help us in our community outreach work.

The three primary areas are are working and serving in, in Mesquite are: Allenhurst Apatments, Peachtree Apartments, and The Valley View Heights Neighborhood near the Rodeo--a low income neighborhood thats been infested for years with decaying homes, crime, and other struggles. Because of God's power and grace, progress continues to be made in all three areas! One day Lord willing, we will be in many apartment complexes and low income neighborhoods!

But to keep all this going--I need to be able to still provide for my family. Our primary funding we had for the first 3 years of our church plant is gone--we are still grateful for it though!!! We had a grant from a church last year that helped fund my salary through this coming February--which we are also sooo grateful for!!! So I am seeking just as a foreign missionary woulld (I am a local missionary)--funds for my family's provision for 2011. If you could support us in 2011 with a monthly support of $200, $100, $50, or even $25. Or if you could just make a one time contribution--that would also be a blessing.

My work goes beyond my congregational service and our community outreach. I also handle a number of weddings and funerals each year for families who have no church home--who look to me for help--and these are wonderful seed planting opportunities.

My family had some tough attacks from Satan in 2009 and 2010, but there have also been many blessings. Christi continues to be a great support to me and a wonderful mother to our kids. Jaici is now 13 and in 8th grade. Jayden is 11 and is a 6th grader. And our newest addition, Bryson Anthamatten--my best friend Shawn's son--who passed away last December--is part of our family now--and a great blessing to us. Bryson is 13 also.

If you can help for next year and support our work--you could start sending your support in January if you want--or anytime you desire. Make checks out to At The Cross and send to:

429 S. Walker
Mesquite, Tx 75149

Or you can use our paypal if its convenient from our website:

Please continue to keep my family and our work for Jesus lifted up in prayer.


Bruce Archer
Bruce Archer
At The Cross Church of Christ--Minister
Nehemiah Mesquite Mission--Servant Leader
(972) 834-7099
Dallas Christian College 07

"Love One Another"