Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Perhaps it sounds strange that a preacher of the Gospel hates Christmas? Well, not in the way you might think.

Actually, I love the holiday spirit (although I think we are called to have goodwill toward all men and be cheerful givers year round), I love the songs--both secular and hymns, I love the lighter attitudes--and I love the fact that it gives Christians some opportunities to reach out to people who might not take that reaching to as well during the non-Christian time. And of course, I love to see the excitement on my children's faces.

What I hate--is that we have created such a materialistic and greedy sense of "I want and I need to receive stuff." Last time I checked, the savior in whose birth we are supposed to be celebrating said that He did not come to be served but instead to serve! Last time I checked the scriptures, Jesus said "It is better to give than to receive." And yet, our children are so often brainwashed into thinking its all about getting stuff. It is heartbreaking.

Whats worse, is we have created a system where children literally get hurt. So many children are taught and told that if they are good--they will receive gifts. And yet, I know dozens of children right here in my community who often get hurt each year because they hear that stuff and then receive nothing because their parents either cannot afford such luxuries or they just don't care.

Lets get back to focusing on celebrating the birth of our savior and Lord--not a time to boost department store sales for the holiday season. Lets get back to focusing on giving rather than receiving.



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Praying For Our Leaders

In less than 60 days, we will have a new President. Some are thrilled about that and some are not. Personally, as a Christian--my mission is the same regardless of who works in the Oval Office. Because my true president, my true king, my true leader is always and always--Jesus Christ.

However, we need to pray for our leaders. We need to pray that they will be guided by God and that they will receive HIS awesome and powerful wisdom and not that of the evil one. These are tough times for our nation--but if we put our trust in the Lord and not people--HE will carry us through--HE ALWAYS DOES!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Preparing For Kingdom Expansion

Dear Friends,

I truly believe that God is on the move and that HE is calling more and more for our congregations to GET OUT OF OUR BUILDINGS AND GO REACH OUT TO LOST PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITIES!! There simply is no greater community service! Church leaders--prepare your flocks for great things God is calling them to! Let us all begin to pray in real earnestness for God to help us do what Jesus called us to do in Matthew 28--"The Great Commission!" And let us be blessed as never before! Let us take many, many people who would otherwise be separated from God--to heaven with us!

LETS GO!!!!!



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are Church Leaders Really Prepared To Lead?

Dear Friends,

The church I lead is one that requires constant shepherding and working with people who have recently or semi-recently turned their lives over to Christ and learning to live that new life comes very difficult for many. So often, I come across situations and problems I so feel unqualified to deal with. I am talking about matters that would just blow Christians' minds who have never dealt with people vastly different than them.

While I am not qualified yet to be a shepherd, I have to serve in that function given that we do not have an eldership at this time. But I can sure see how critical it is to live under the Biblical standards laid out for church leaders. There is a new book I am reading (perhaps not so new to some) called "They Smell Like Sheep" by Lynn Anderson. It is so enlightening and helpful. (Now if God would just send us some men who could serve and do the work of Shepherds) :) Also, there is a book called "Biblical Eldership" by Strausch that is also very educational about Biblical standards and roles for elders/shepherds. Such books are good for anyone in Christian leadership--be they elders, deacons, ministers, small group leaders, Bible class teachers, evangelists, mentors and parents.

May the Lord equip us all to serve HIS church well.

Grace and Peace,


Friday, August 15, 2008

Family Vacations

I am finishing up a family vacation--and it has been beautiful. I am reminded of when I was a boy and my family went on vacation each year. Of course, things are quite different now. For some reason, my parents often did not want to get out of the car to do things--just drive on by. "Hey son, there is the White House." "Oh cool, lets go.......lets go........oh........bye White House as I see you from a far?

Or "Look at that Grand Canyon kids." "Yes, I want to go stand on Grand Canyon as we drive away?

Don't get me wrong--we had some wonderful family vacations and great family time--I just always wanted to see more. But we certainly do now.

But really and truly--the family time is really what it is about!

Just being able to be alone with my wife and children is priceless time. If you spend money on things throughout the year but have not been able to get away on a vacation. I encourage you to buy less things so you can take a vacation with your family and build some great memories.

God is good.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Why We Get To Celebrate Our Freedom

Today is the day we commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is my hope that one day in the next few years, I will have the opportunity to take my children to visit Independence Hall in Philadelphia. But let us never forget what allowed that event to not only take place, but to endure for this many years.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, Trenton, New York City, Camden, Brandywine, and so many other places during the Revolutionary War.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Tripoli and other parts of the Barbary Coast.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Baltimore, Quebec, Tippecanoe, and New Orleans during the War of 1812.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Vera Cruz, Monterrey, and Mexico City during the War with Mexico.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Antetiam, Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Chancellorsville during the Civil War.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Little Big Horn and other places in the West in hostilities with Indians.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Havana and in the Phillipines during the War with Spain.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Belleau Wood and the Argonne Forest during World War I.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, North Africa, Palermo, Paris, and Normandy Beach during World War II.
It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Inchon and the Chosen Resovoir during the Korean War.

It has endured because brave men fought and died at places like Dak To, Hue, and Da Nang during the War in Vietnam.

It has endured because brave men fought and died in places like Grenada and Panama.

It has endured because brave men fought and died in places like Kuwait and Southern Iraq during Operation Desert Storm.

It has endured because brave men fought and died in places like Bosnia.

It has endured because brave men fought and died in places like Afganistan, and in Baghdad.

And no matter the struggle, we never forget! May we never tire of serving each other and our country! Let freedom ring!!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Living--Not Just Playing The Part

Read the following passage and be reminded of who we are called to be if we are serious about who we say we are:

5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
10Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, 11and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What does it mean for us who so often think we "have this Christian life down?" You mean we actually have to keep living all these Jesus traits? Isn't that kinda hard? But wait--verse 9 says that "if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins." How many folks who show up to the church building 3 times as week exhibit this brother or sister who has simply forgotten what they have been saved from? Let us all keep reminding each other and allowing ourselves to be reminded by HIS word daily! We need to live the part--not just go through the motions.

God Speed,


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Church As Usual?

Do we often find ourselves just "doing church as usual?" We go to the building once, twice, or even three times a week. We make most of the major church functions, fellowships etc. We tithe. And yet, we sometimes find ourselves just flat dead spiritually. Why is that?

We sometimes just seem to have lost our way. We cannot remember the last time if ever that we led someone to Christ. We cannot remember the last time we spent time with a lost person who is not like us. We find ourselves treating God as if HE were some divine diety way up in the sky--and not a loving Father who longs to have an intimate relationship with us.

Our life in Christ was meant to be--and can be--better than this.

With more conversations with God, more personal time in the word, and more time serving other people in love and humility--we can begin to turn the corner. God can then begin to really feed our spirit to become more and more like Jesus. Oh, yeah yeah what day that will be!!

Let us not be about "church as usual." Let us be all about living out God's word every day!



Friday, April 25, 2008

Leaving No One Behind

When we sit around our churches and talk about the Great Commission--how much of that charge to we look at as being for foreign nations and how much of that do we look at as our responsibility here at home? Sometimes it is so much easier to send a check overseas and not have to deal with people who have lots of problems and poverty and the list goes on. But Jesus did not just send a check. He spent time with poor people and sick people and prostitutes and all kinds of other sinners.

There are thousands upon thousands of lost people whose children are suffering with no love of Jesus in their lives--right here in our communities where we live!! Will we take on our responsibilities at Christians and go seek those lost and help bring them into the light? Or will we just keep paying others to do our jobs for us?

Jesus told us that the harvest is ripe. Let us go work the harvest in love and help set sinners free from their bondage.

What a God we serve--to love us all enough to give His beloved Son to die for us! Let us daily show our appreciation back to Him.

Grace and Peace,


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God Is Good!

Do you ever just stop for a moment to think about all that God has done for you? Do you ever just look around and see all that God created? He is so faithful. He is so good. He just keeps changing lives and blessing people. Let us keep praising HIM and telling others how wonderful HE is!

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Christian Priorities

Tonight I listened to an incredible message from two ministers from a Church of Christ in Detroit. They talked about how their congregation is not in an area where a church would normally grow. They talked about how they have to read the Lord's Prayer everyday to keep focus--that everything is about GOD'S WILL AND NOT OURS! "Thy will be done." They talked about how they are up to three services on Sundays and that there is another service about 10 miles away at a mission work. They talked about how much of their flock are folks who came from a life wanting nothing to do with church. They also talked about how they lost a lot of members over time because of "bringing in folks that made those more established members uncomfortable."

I am always struck by Christians using that word "comfortable." Last time I checked, WE WERE NOT CALLED TO BE COMFORTABLE! Jesus did not live a comfortable life. The apostles did not live comfortable lives. None of the prophets lived comfortable lives.

Perhaps we need to be less concerned about "being comfortable" and more focused on getting out of our church buildings and taking the Gospel message to lost and hurting people!



Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ministers In The Media

If you watch CNN and all the other news networks like I do, you have seen all kinds of "Christian" ministers shouting all kinds of controversial epitaphs and big news statements. Whether it is Reverend Jeremiah Wright screaming out on one end of the spectrum or conservative white evangelicals on the other end of the spectrum screaming out. Certainly it is not up to me to judge what each of those Christians do and I do not make a habit of condemning other Christian leaders or their congregations.

However, sometimes I wonder if we all stopped shouting as much--and just focused on the mission of Jesus Christ--if we might see larger glimmers of hope around us? Perhaps if church leaders spent more time teaching and training their flocks for ministry--more lost people might be brought to Christ? Perhaps if more church leaders went back to the basics of the elementary teachings of Jesus--there might be more love and kindness among us?

Serving the Lord and executing Christ's mission to bring a lost world to redemption and salvation--is NOT ABOUT US! IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! Maybe we all need a little more humility. Maybe we all need to go back and look at the early church leaders in the Book of Acts and see how they were spending their times and efforts.

Just some thoughts?

God Speed,


Easter Sunday

I think it is wonderful that so many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday--in a biblical way and not in the worldy way. However, let us all be more driven to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ--everyday! All 365 days of the year! Let us honor God that way and not just on special occasions.

Grace and Peace,


Friday, January 25, 2008

All The Hoopla

Every election, we (in the Christian world) hear about the need to elect candidates who are pro-life and against same sex marraiges. We hear about Christian groups marching in front of abortion clinics and various statewide election ballots around the nation that puts to a vote whether or not to legalize or criminalize same sex marraige. Ok, thats fine. But let me ask this:

Is our concern about specific sins taking place? If so, why are we not also marching on the offices of slum lords around the nation who take advantage of poor working families whose children are lucky if they get one decent meal a day. If so, why are we not marching on the homes of people who committ adultery. In the OT, such people were stoned. Please don't think I am for abortion or same sex marraige--NOTHING COULD BE MORE TO THE CONTRARY! As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am against all sin. However, I believe there is a better way to have less abortions and less homosexual relationships. What is the better way?

Very simple. Go make disciples, baptize them, and teach them everything Jesus teaches us through God's word. How do we do that? Go love on people, make friends, show Jesus working through our lives. If every Christian just got to work executing that command--imagine how many more Christians there would be and how many less abortions, homosexual sin, less murders, less hate, less greed, less fornication, less adultery, and the list goes on.

Go figure? :)

Blessings and praises to the Lord.


Friday, January 11, 2008

3:10 To Yuma

I watched last night, the new movie "3:10 To Yuma." The cover said the best western since Unforgiven. It was a decent movie, but I would not go so far as to compare it with movies like "Unforgiven" or "Tombstone."

It is sad that we see less and less movies that reflect the old west or movies that have those old rugged values and perhaps a little valor and good guy verses bad guy stuff. So often the movies we see today, the good vs bad is all kinda blended together and everything is kinda grey?

It is sad the culture we find our young people in also. So many of them only have an interest in what is most contemporary. We don't expose our kids to enough things of old to give them some kind of values besides the newest thing. I just find that sad.

We need some more John Waynes, Jimmy Stewarts, Henry Fondas and all the others!

God Speed,
