Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ministers In The Media

If you watch CNN and all the other news networks like I do, you have seen all kinds of "Christian" ministers shouting all kinds of controversial epitaphs and big news statements. Whether it is Reverend Jeremiah Wright screaming out on one end of the spectrum or conservative white evangelicals on the other end of the spectrum screaming out. Certainly it is not up to me to judge what each of those Christians do and I do not make a habit of condemning other Christian leaders or their congregations.

However, sometimes I wonder if we all stopped shouting as much--and just focused on the mission of Jesus Christ--if we might see larger glimmers of hope around us? Perhaps if church leaders spent more time teaching and training their flocks for ministry--more lost people might be brought to Christ? Perhaps if more church leaders went back to the basics of the elementary teachings of Jesus--there might be more love and kindness among us?

Serving the Lord and executing Christ's mission to bring a lost world to redemption and salvation--is NOT ABOUT US! IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! Maybe we all need a little more humility. Maybe we all need to go back and look at the early church leaders in the Book of Acts and see how they were spending their times and efforts.

Just some thoughts?

God Speed,


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