Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Going To Church or Kingdom Advancement?"

I often think about how much we have institutionalized things in the Lord's Church. And when I say that, I am not in any way advocating loosely led congregations with little order where everyone sings cumbaya and just "feels good." There needs to be strong and God led leadership in every congregation and some sense of direction. But we don't need to put so much focus on "doing things the right way" and instead focus on the Great Commission!

Whether it is planting new congregations or working out of established ones--just getting out and ministering to people gets lost in the hussle and bussle of other things. So much "professionalism" and "textbook" ways of doing things are at the constant forefront--instead of the sweet simplicity of reaching out to lost people, teaching God's word, loving one another, and living by Jesus' example. So much money goes into planting churches or maintaining existing ones and so much planning for facilities, acquiring land, and a dozen other man focused ways of doing things--instead of just "keeping the main thing the main thing." Scripture teaches us to multiply, multiply, multiply. How can we do that--if we are so busy organizing and planning. Sometimes by the time we organize and plan everything--we have missed numerous opportunities to share Jesus with lost people!!! Instead of so much planning--how about congregational leaderships teaching members of the flock how to share their faith and evangelize! And then those leaders take those members out with them to go evangelize and set the example. This is what the early church leaders did--they mentored and trained up more and more evangelists and teachers and preachers. WE DON'T HAVE TO HAVE MASTER DEGREES TO SHARE JESUS WITH PEOPLE! We just have to care and rely on God.

Nice, fancy buildings don't bring people to Christ--loving Christians who minister to lost people bring people to Christ. Instead of putting millions of dollars into facilities--how about going and renting some apartments or trailers or houses in neighborhoods and communities where there is little Christianity? Lets get the churches out of the buildings and into the communities!

And God will use us to do AMAZING AND SUPERNATURAL THINGS!!!

Lets go! Many souls are in in danger!



SbMaMs 13 said...

bruce this post makes me think about last march at the tulsa soul winning workshop. They continually talked about not always doing the textbook thing and working out side the box. Why do people that know christ sometimes think that the lost should just come to the building... I think we need to focus more on going to the lost then getting them to the building. I would love to be able to learn how to share my faith and i know that i need to do more studying to do so... But could we maybe think about trying to do something like that so some of us that r shy can know how to share the gospel too? I want to thank you for sharing this and also thank you for being so supportive and non judgemental Thanks PASTOR BRUCE!!! LOL!!!! Love ur sista in christ, Sarah

Unknown said...

Amen Bruce! This has been on my heart for several weeks now! Winning souls for Christ? I just wrote a blog about how complacent I've become in my every day life, and I'm completely unsatisfied in what I do to please Him. We do need to get our rears out of our pews and on the "streets" to gospel! I want to be obedient to our Lord and His will for me. He pours out so many undeserving blessings. Thanks for sharing your heart, brother!

By the way, you need the "follow me" box, so I know when you've posted a new blog! :)