Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank You Highland Oaks Church of Christ!

I took a break today from my home church to go visit my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Highland Oaks COC congregation and was so filled full of good spiritual feeding and felt much love!

When you work in mission work--and I believe my work the past few years has been primariliy local mission work--its often easy to forget what we once knew in our former church lives of being surrounded by at least fairly mature Christians who long to grow in the Lord and who have a certain amount of understanding of God's word. So often missionaries can feel alone. But Highland Oaks, who has been a strong partner in our work in Mesquite--has always done such a wonderful job of making me, my family, and our mission work not feel alone! But instead the Highland Oaks family has done so much for At The Cross Church of Christ--and the mission work we do at places like Allenhurst and Peachtree Apartments! Not only have the HO family helped us over and over with needed funds--but many of their members have helped us with kids and youth, our weekly food pantry, and other mission work needs!

The HO family has also been such a blessing to my family personally. Any time my family has gone through a crisis since I've been in ministry, their elders and other members have surrounded my family and loved us through that time!

Whenever I visit and worship with the HO family, they make me feel as if I am one of their members!

I thank God for the HO family! I believe one day--a number of people just in our area of mission work in Mesquite--will drive by that congregation--and tell their children--those people at that Highland Oaks Church played a big role in our family serving God today!

What a legacy!

I thank God for the Highland Oaks family!

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