Sunday, May 18, 2008

Church As Usual?

Do we often find ourselves just "doing church as usual?" We go to the building once, twice, or even three times a week. We make most of the major church functions, fellowships etc. We tithe. And yet, we sometimes find ourselves just flat dead spiritually. Why is that?

We sometimes just seem to have lost our way. We cannot remember the last time if ever that we led someone to Christ. We cannot remember the last time we spent time with a lost person who is not like us. We find ourselves treating God as if HE were some divine diety way up in the sky--and not a loving Father who longs to have an intimate relationship with us.

Our life in Christ was meant to be--and can be--better than this.

With more conversations with God, more personal time in the word, and more time serving other people in love and humility--we can begin to turn the corner. God can then begin to really feed our spirit to become more and more like Jesus. Oh, yeah yeah what day that will be!!

Let us not be about "church as usual." Let us be all about living out God's word every day!



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