Sunday, December 13, 2009


Its late and I can't sleep for crying and hurting over the loss of my true blue and real friend since the 5th grade--Shawn Jason Anthamatten. My son and I came out to McKinney to stay in a hotel he likes that has an indoor pool and a gym--I was gonna get a good workout and have some good father and son time. But with the news of Shawn's passing when we first got here--I lost heart to do anything else. My son is devestated--as Shawn was like his uncle. My kids called Shawn "Uncle Shawn."

As I reflect, I honestly can't remember Shawn not being in my life. There was about 8 months a couple of years back when he was living in Arkansas--but beyond that--he was always there. He was there with me at night every night when my mom was in the hospital dying. He was there when my dad passed away. He was there the day I got married. He was there when I ran for public office. He was there when I graduated college. He was there when I planted a church. And sometimes he was there when I did not want him to be! :) But he was always there! My friend David Oldright said earlier--"Shawn was a mainstay!" How true.

I remember randomly so many memories of my friendship with Shawn. I remember the first day I had contact with him in 5th grade--we were not sharing pleasantries. Shawn was known as a punk then and got into a lot of fights. So one day me and a boy named Jeremy Whitely were throwing the football in PE and Shawn came walking by and the ball hit him and he got mad and was not going to let us have the ball. He and Jeremy almost got into a fight. Of course, I think I threw a few ugly comments towards Shawn too. Never knowing that almost 30 years later--I'd be weeping over his untimely death.

I remember him falling asleep in Mrs. Leard's Science class in 8th grade and him drooling all over his desk and a big pile forming on the floor. This is not in any way to disrespect Shawn--he would often laugh about it too when we talked about it many years later. To his defense, he was working a part time job back in 8th grade and was tired a lot. I remember (OMGosh I remember) many, many times walking down the hallway of Agnew MS or MHS and suddenly getting slapped in the back of my head by Shawn--it used to piss me off to no end! Or even worse--getting a "wet willy" lapped on the back of my ear!!! To this day--anytime Shawn would be behind me--I'd be very anxious and nervous! :)

I remember when I lived in Terrell my Jr. and Sr. year and he would come visit me from time to time. He'd drive up in his white 76 Pinto and you could hear the car coming all the way down the street. Then he'd get out and him closing his door was louder than a bomb going off! One time he skipped school at MHS to come visit me in Terrell. Being the good friend I was, I called in sick for him. As I was spelling his last name with the office secretary--I told them "Anthematten" instead of "Anthamatten." I could see him almost shouting but in a whisper tone "NO NO NO ITS A NOT E!!!" :) I could see the terror in his eyes as I misspelled his last name on the phone! He actually got into some trouble for that one I think! :)

One time when he was driving that old Pinto--I was following him back from Mesquite and suddenly--his hood just flew up over his windshield as we were going down Hwy 80. Somehow he was able to pull over and fix it--but it scared that crap out of me!

And you did not know Shawn was a fireman did you? One time when we were teenagers--he was with my old friends Andy Hubacek and Rodney Bangs and I think Rodney's engine was on fire or maybe it was Shawn's engine--and low and behold--he was trying to blow the fire out! With his mouth! :) Yes, that really happened!

Then there was the day my daughter was really sick and my wife and I were at a church planting assessment all day and we really could not miss it. Shawn stayed all day with her that day taking care of her, making her soup and whatever else she needed. I never forgot his kindness that day.

Then once when Shawn was our missionary at Allenhurst Apartments--there was a man who was in bad health in apartment 35. He really needed a new remote wheelchair bad. One week when Shawn had gotten a good tax refund--he just went and bought that man a brand new remote wheelchair!

One day me, Shawn, and our two boys were walking through Paschall Park as we have many times letting the boys play. One day we were walking by this old man's house who just started cussing at my son for walking in his yard. I started to turn around to go address the unkind man's verbal abuse--but before I could--Shawn had already threatened the man with physical harm for talking to my son that way--and the man shut up! Shawn always stood up for children! He was indeed so very good to children and had a real soft spot for them in his heart!

Since I am a preacher now--I won't go into many youthful indescretions we participated in together--but how I could tell some most laughable stories! :)

These are but a bitter-sweet thoughts that come into my mind. My heart aches right now--not so much for Shawn--he is with Jesus I have no doubt! Its more of a selfish ache and hurt--for myself!

Oh Shawn, how we will miss ya! You left too soon! There were more laughs to be laughed and fun to be had and special moments to share! We will look out for Bryson my great friend and brother!

Grace and Peace,


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