Monday, December 14, 2009


One time me and my buds were playing a game we called the infamous "Beat Up Trick." (we were around 16). The "Beat Up Trick" was a game that required a group of us standing behind some bushes while the supposed victim ran out into the street and would pretend to trip over the median. The others would then come out chasing the victim and pretend to beat them up, only to see a car coming and run the other way and hide behind the bushes. On occasion, the victim would get picked up by some hot girls and get taken with them. This one night Shawn was the "Victim." So we ran over and we didn't just "pretend" but actually gave Shawn a few extra real kicks for fun. Then we look over and see a car and go "Oh, a car" and ran.

Moments later a truck full of older rough dudes pulled up wanting to help Shawn. Instead of playing along as a poor, beat up victim--Shawn looks over into the bushes towards all of us and gave those famous words "Is that ya'll?" To Shawn's credit-he thought he was whispering--but Shawn did not whisper very well.

Needless to say, then those guys knew they'd been had and they chased us all over that neighborhood because they knew they'd been fooled. We almost got the crap kicked out of us thanks to Shawn. So forever on--the famous words that have immortalized Shawn Anthamatten--"IS THAT YA'LL?"

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