Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Recharged

Some weeks back, as I was on the verge of being at almost burn out again and struggling to discern several big issues concerning my congregation, the outreach work we do in Mesquite, and my family at home--I stepped back and took a 40 day semi-sabbatical. I say "semi" because there were some days that I did some church/ministry work--but I nonetheless stepped back quite a bit from the day to day operations of the church. God blessed us with a young man named Spencer Gunnels who is our Associate Minister now and Spencer was able to take on a number of administrative tasks I handled for the last few years. Spencer also was able to take on planning Sunday worship and between him and some other wonderful brothers, they split up the preaching. After so many years of often feeling alone (human wise that is), I felt so thankful God had sent me a Timothy if you will! I could speak volumes more of the blessing this young man has been to me and the mission work we do in Mesquite! Spencer is full of fire and passion for the cause of Christ!

During my 40 days, I didn't pray and fast as much as I'd planned along with other important spiritual disciplines. I did however, take some extra intentional time with my family and paid attention to some extra details here and there regarding my children and it was a great blessing! I took some extra time to just shower my wife with love and adoration. I did a lot of chatting with God. I took some extra time to catch up with old friends and relatives. I did a lot of reading. And I was able to do a few service projects in the community that is tied in with the Nehemiah Mesquite Mission--although the cold weather kept those projects to a minimum.

One of the issues I was trying to discern, was if I would need to eventually become a bi-vocational minister who preaches and ministers and works a secular job as well. Sort of like Paul who not only planted churches, preached, and wrote half the New Testament--but who also made tents for a living on the side. So I started working some shifts a couple of days a week at my old job as a CiCi's Pizza Manager in South Mesquite. I was quickly reminded of how much I used to enjoy being able to serve guests and give good service and be free to talk about the Lord and evangelize when I was a manager there all those years past. Getting my feet back into secular work has also reminded me of how much God values hard work and us being productive with our hands. It has given me such a tremendous respect again for people who get out each day and work hard to provide for their families and honor the Lord. I think every preacher/minister out there ought to spend some time regularly working a little in the work force just to keep touch with reality.

While I was on my sabbatical, God definitely spoke to me about the fact that it is time I began living out my victory in Jesus! What I mean is simply, I spent too many years thinking I had to immerse myself into those I ministered to's daily lives. And while all that wasn't bad and I learned a lot and there were some impactful relationships and discipling that took place--too often I was putting myself out there as a subsitute for God and His word--without realizing I was doing that. And it took a great toll on me and my family. What I thought at times was shepherding, was basically babysitting some adults and some kids who were simply not ready to change and really give their lives over to Jesus. Not in every case--but too many. So I have learned now to put boundaries in place and accept that there are some things I have to allow the Holy Spirit to do--that I am definitely not Jesus! Good for the Kingdom! But again, God's name was constantly praised and we all learn new things daily! Many people over the last 6 years at Allenhurst and Peachtree Apartments, and other parts of Mesquite as well as many Facebook Friends--have heard much about the good news of Jesus Christ! And there is much more to come!

Now that Allenhurst Apartments is going to be handing us our new church apartment soon, we are most excited and revved up to get going with that renewed work! Spencer Gunnels will be spearheading that new project!

There is more exciting news to share, but I need to go do a little devotional with my family--which means I need to get off the computer and leave my office. But I know this--GOD IS SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD ALL THE TIME!!!

Grace and peace be upon each of you!


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