Sunday, February 20, 2011


I took a break from my congregation today--something more preachers need to do more often--and my family and I visited Spring Creek Community Church. The message from Pastor Keith Stewart was on "Influence," a series he was beginning today. I was most moved by the message and what God was telling everyone in that assembly.

He mentioned a quote from a man whose name now escapes me, how there are 5, not 4 Gospels. There is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John--and then there is each of us. Many lost people out there today--may not read the first 4 Gospels any time soon--but they will read us. What will they read?

Pastor Stewart was talking about our great need in this country and even within the Kingdom at times to "persuade" or just "Be right." What good is it to be "Right" if we can't do it in love?

Who will be motivated to hear the Christian message if it is delivered in harshness or rudeness?

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13, that "Love is not rude."

Let us share God's word with non-believers with love, sweetness, and kindness. Even if they don't grab hold of that word immediately--keep loving them and being kind. For God is love!

We don't just need more civlity in politics and government--we need it desperately in the Kingdom of God and within the Lord's Church!

Here is the sermon link if you'd like to here it:

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