Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thank You Lord

Do you ever just take a moment to think about where you would be today without the Lord? I remember when I was sitting through Bacclaureate exercises a few months back at Dallas Christian College and our guest speaker was talking about how there is something worse than death--and that is "Being Separated From God!" That can give you chills just thinking about it!

Ever wonder where you'd be today had you not turned from your old life? I can look back at all of the constant sin I lived in that I really thought was not a big deal--and yet--I can remember the constant sadness, loneliness, lack of contentment, and how I never had any real joy. I do not miss those days at all.

Sometimes, I just say "Thank You Lord For Saving Me!" I want to sometimes just shout out loud, how grateful I am that He took me from that old life. He is so faithful!

Take a moment today and just thank your Lord God for saving you--for sacrificing Jesus for you.

Be blessed today because of Jesus.


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