Monday, November 16, 2009


Dear Fellow Workers in Christ,

Another story that comes to mind is a couple I was introduced to not long after I had started to Dallas Christian College and was leading the Nehemiah Ministry. The man (I am sad to say I can't remember their names) was dying of liver cancer I believe and only had a few weeks to live. I started visiting him and his common-law-wife in the hospital and would spend time with them, read some scripture to them and just try to minister to them as best I could. After a couple of visits--they couple said they wanted to make their relationship right with God and asked me if I would marry them. So one evening, a brother and I went to Baylor Hospital and went to this couple's room-and married them as he lay on his hospital bed. It was very simple and certainly not a normal wedding--but yet--it was beautiful. I felt so honored to be there doing what I was doing. A week later, this new husband passed away. Of all the weddings I have performed--I can't think of a more special one! The joy on their faces, even though he had little time left--was such a blessing to get to witness! We serve such a loving and compassionate God!

Let us keep showing the love of Jesu to all who so desperately need that love and that hope!

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