Saturday, January 9, 2010

"One Body, But Many Critical Parts"

Tomorrow I am preaching from 1st Corinthians 12 and talking about "One Body, But Many Critical Parts." It would be so easy for me to look at myself as someone very important in my congregation since I am the "minister/pastor/preacher" or whatever else people might call my role. But I really don't look at myself that way.

I serve with two wonderful men on my leadership team that are both qualified to be shepherds--a role I am not yet qualified to serve in. Both men can teach and preach God's word, they shepherd the flock well and they hold me accountable, teach and mentor me often. I honestly look at them to be just as more qualified as me in all spiritual roles--I just happen to be the full time guy who gets paid for doing this work. They are both engineers and do this work on a more volunteer basis.

Then I have many members of our flock who do so much important behind the scenes work that is absolutely invaluable to our mission and to the well being of our congregation. We often look at the "up front" people like the teachers and preachers as the important roles--but every single person in the body of Christ plays a very important and "God-Designed Role." No one spiritual gift or service is more superior than another. We are all working towards the same goal!

I am so thankful for all of the workers in our mission to reach the lost in Mesquite. Whether it be our members, or the many Christians from other congregations who help us--every single one of them play such an imporant role in executing the Great Commission! LETS KEEP REACHING OUT TO LOST SOULS!!!

Grace and Peace,


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