Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Children And Sex

This will be my last posting regarding "Sex God's Way." I want to talk about our children and the danger they face with how Satan is working double time to lure them into a lifestyle that God meant for married adults.

If you look at what kids are watching on tv, what they are talking about, or what they listen to on the radio--so much of it is packed with the concept of how "having sex" is the norm for everyone and every age. Were not just talking about 16 and 17 year old kids being consumed with this--but 9, 10, 11, and on up. Too many girls long to look very sexually appealing. So many songs are just riveted with verses like "Boys wanna touch my junk," "Rub it up and down," and the list goes on!

While Christian parents and our churches are trying to plant seeds of Jesus in our kids, as soon as they walk out of that influence the world (Satan) is working to quickly undo that teaching by luring them into thinking pre-marital sex is ok.

Just look at the so called "Reality" shows! They all glorify these college kids having casual sex as if its just normal. I remember seeing one show recently (yes, I do occasionally take a look at such shows so I know whats going on) where one girl is defending her Christian faith to one of the other roommate guys who was an athiest--and then later on sleeping with him!!?? Boy, what a twist and so confusing for our kids!

We have become so desensitized to sexual sin--and now more and more of our kids are becoming the same. In my ministry, I often come in contact with 10 and 11 year old girls who are already sexually active and its not considered a big deal. It breaks my heart--that so much innocence is being destroyed! It also breaks Jesus' heart!

These young people are having something that could be so special between their future spouses spoiled and possibly ruined forever by partaking of sexual sin so early. I am not talking about forgiveness--God's always got plenty of forgiveness and mercy and grace! I am talking about being physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred for life. So many young girls have come to believe that the way to experience love--is to give their bodies to boys or men who have no concept or understanding of what real love is!

But this scourge on our young people DOES NOT HAVE TO CONTINUE! We can go to war and begin to with God's help--lay out a battle plan of protection for our children! Here is an example of a solid battle plan:

1. Begin teaching our children about the Lord while they are still in the cradle.

2. While not exposing our children to things they are not ready for, also recognize that they often get exposed to sad realities whether we like it or not--and we need to be prepared to teach them what God intended sex to be--and not what the world has done to preverse and abuse that institution.

3. Let our children see what love between a man and a wife is supposed to be--so they have something to go by--besides physical intimacy. How many women complain about husbands who only want sex but offer no tenderness and affection? Moms and dads need to model for their children what sweet and tender agape love is--that goes way beyond sex.

4. Explain the dangers of sexual sin to our children--not just things like STDs and early pregnancy--but the awful emotional and mental scars that come along with pre-marital sex too.

5. While everyone cannot home school their kids, we can control what they listen to, what they watch on tv, what they read and who they spend their time with. WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT OUR KIDS ARE DOING!!!!

I pray that the Lord will put a strong layer of protection around all of our children and that our communities of faith--will stand up to the world's lie--that kids can go ahead and experience all the things adults get to experience--WE NEED TO TELL THE WORLD WHO WILL LISTEN THAT ITS ALL A LIE INTENDED TO DESTROY OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURES! Satan knows he cannot defeat God--so he tries to hurt God by hurting God's children. Lets all do our part to help turn the corner and protect our children's innocence! Peace be with you!

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