Thursday, June 10, 2010

Loving People Where They Are At

I love Max Lucado's book "Just Like Jesus" where the cover caption basically reads "God loves you just where you are at, but He won't leave you there--He wants you to be just like Jesus." This statement is so critical!

For several months, my ministry work revolved around numerous events and outreach campaigns and planning as well as constantly trying to shepherd new Christians and dealing with crisis after crisis of hurting people.

Lately, I have been trying to get back to basics of just going out and loving on people and spending time with the poor, the forgotten, and those who have little background in church. Once or twice a week, I have been going out with our intern Jonathan Brooks to just talk to folks we see at Peachtree and Allenhurst Apartments. Not to mention, I am trying to teach simplistic discipling and evangelism to young men who are seeking a future in ministry. And we are not knocking doors, we are just walking around and when we see people out--we just say hi to them and remind them who are we are and just try to over time--make them feel comfortable and earn their trust.

Some of these folks are very sinful people (like all of us were before Christ). Some of them are not very nice people and don't much care for church people. However, what I keep finding year after year is this: When you just love people unconditionally and treat them with kindness and don't try to be "too churchy and preachy"--many eventually begin to have softened hearts. Some will eventually obey the Gospel and become Christians--and some will not. But its not my job or your job to convert people or save them. Its simply our job to love them where they are at and where they have come from--and teach them God's life changing word!

Are there some folks who need the Lord nearby where you live or near your church that you could go love on and show kindness? Are there some people you know who so long to be accepted and cared for? Remember that we have all come from a place we don't want to talk about--but Jesus' redeeming blood saved us--and by you loving people where they are at--they may eventually be saved also!

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