Monday, March 22, 2010


As we continue to look at that big, big word "SEX" and chew on what that really means for our lives--I want to keep directing our focus back to God's plan and purpose for sex. If you look back at the Book of Genesis--we can see early on that God wanted man to be "fruitful and multiply." So God had a purpose for sex to be used to procreate. And we see that with Adam and Eve being the first married couple if you will--we see that:

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame (Genesis 2:24-25, NIV).

So God had a plan early on, that a husband and wife would be united together. And that having children would be an important part of that union. Thus sex was meant for special things--special plans God had.

And notice that Adam and Eve were naked--but "Had no shame?" Why would they not have shame? And yet--even those who are often stuck in sexual sin (who are not completely depraved and given over to Sin by God)--recognize the awkwardness and embarrasing feelings of certain situations where there is nudity or sexual discussions. Many adults who are living in fornication or adultery--still don't want their kids watching movies that involve sexual situations or watching pornagraphy. Because deep inside--they know that God intended sex to be a holy and pure thing--not something to deal with wrecklessly and abuse! Even many non-Christians get that basic concept.

So we see situations like the mass sexual sin and abuse of sex in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18 and how tired God was of that institution HE created being so preversed. We know that ultimately God destroyed this town and burned it to the ground!

But before we get too deep into this all being about "RULES," let me say--that God does not just put HIS commandments and requirements just "BECAUSE HE IS GOD AND HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS"--God knows what is harmful for us!

God said we are not to lie because HE knows that when we do--we lose the trust of those who love us and relationiships get hurt and sometimes destroyed. God said not to allow anger to take control of us because it will cause a lot of pain for us and those we love. God said not to gossip and spread malicious rumors because a lot of pain and suffering come from it. HE even told the people not to have mold in their homes--and we all know how harmful mold is in our homes surely? So--HE said not to partake of sex out of marraige--because HE knew it would be very harmful to HIS children!!!!

HE knew that long term venerial diseases could attack our bodies. HE knew that future marraiges could be hurt by the emotional scars left from pre-marital sex. HE knew that families could be destroyed by adultery. HE knew how difficult it would be for children who are born out of wedlock and how damaging broken homes can be. HE knew that teen aged girls having babies out of marraige--would affect many lives for generations to come and end beautiful childhoods. HE knows how dangerous and harmful it is when we abuse something HE created for very special purposes.

However, when we engage in sex in marraige--and it is holy and pure--it can be the most beautiful thing and God will bless that and make it so much more than what the world has always told us about sex!

If your marraige is struggling due to sexual issues and both of you want to keep sex holy and between the two of you--there are many books out there that are written by Christian but professional counselors that can help--as well as in person counseling. But whatever we do--let us keep the marraige bed pure and holy as scripture tells us to do.

Now--for those who are single--who struggle with sexual desire and urges--that is another issue altogether that we need to discuss. We will engage that next posting. God can help those struggles too! Lets have a conversation.


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