Friday, February 12, 2010

Being A Dad

I was driving around tonight with an old friend and we were talking about what we want to leave our kids. I mentioned that even though my step-children and my new child-nephew Bryson are not my blood children--that means nothing to me. I mentioned that when I am dead and gone on to be with the Lord--I pray that they will be able to look back and know that I was always there! Not "there" so much in the physical presence but "there" in the sense of knowing that they always came first!

My dad always put us first--no matter what! If I needed anything, or if I was hurting or if I needed help with school workt--I knew I could count on my dad! I never had to be concerned or have fear that he would ever leave or not be where I needed him!

I so want to be that for my kids. I want in 20 or 30 years, as they are seeking how to best lead their children--that they will be able to look back and remember how much I loved them unconditionally and how much I loved their mom. I want to leave my family with a legacy of deep love! And most importantly--I want to leave my family with a legacy that says "Love and serve God and everything else will fall into place!"

I want to leave my children with memories of me always wanting their very best--even if they don't always like me. As much as I want to one day be very close friends with my kids--I also konw that it is not my job to be their friend--but to lead and guide them. I want to be a blessing to my children.

And by the grace and guidance of my one true, steadfast and forever Father--thats just what I will do! These things mean more to me than any success I might have as a preacher or anything else I may ever do in this life.

God is so good!


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