Monday, December 6, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,

As we approach 2011, I have been working very hard to raise funds for the outreach ministry I've led here in Mesquite the past 6 years--based on the concept of Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem--and the church I lead the past 3 and a half years that was a result of what we once called the Nehemiah Ministry. Since I began that step of faith out of the business world those 6 plus years ago--I have seen God do absolutely amazing things!

I have personally had the privelige of teaching and baptizing over a 100 people--several who are now faithfully serving Christ and who are now out evangelizing and planting seeds. I've got to see numerous people who were once living in absolute rebellion to the Lord--who did not fit into society or into churches--who have since been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ! Parents are parenting better, spouses are better loving spouses, addictions have stilled or slowed, anger has turned to love, and there are so many stores I could share. Of course, there are many heartbreak stories too--but God is still to be praised through it all!

Recently, we have revived and put what once was the Nehemiah Ministry--into a renewed very aggressive evangelistic (that is practical and flexible in terms of how we reach different kinds of people in the community) work--and we now call it the Nehemiah Mesquite Mission. One of the purposes of this work is to bring in more and more Christians from the community to help us reach the entire City of Mesquite one day--especially the areas where there is poverty and real brokenness and children who have no Christian parents to teach them about the Lord's ways. This renewed Nehemiah work--is currently under At The Cross Church of Christ--our congregation--but will eventually be a 5013c. This allows us to better shepherd and equip the members of At The Cross--who are mostly new Christians--and better disciple them. At The Cross will still be very evangelistic in nature--but as The Nehemiah Mesquite Mission grows--At The Cross will hopefully soon have some of the pressure taken off it it with the many masses we currently serve--by getting more help from Christians in the community who may not want to join At The Cross Church--but could still help us in our community outreach work.

The three primary areas are are working and serving in, in Mesquite are: Allenhurst Apatments, Peachtree Apartments, and The Valley View Heights Neighborhood near the Rodeo--a low income neighborhood thats been infested for years with decaying homes, crime, and other struggles. Because of God's power and grace, progress continues to be made in all three areas! One day Lord willing, we will be in many apartment complexes and low income neighborhoods!

But to keep all this going--I need to be able to still provide for my family. Our primary funding we had for the first 3 years of our church plant is gone--we are still grateful for it though!!! We had a grant from a church last year that helped fund my salary through this coming February--which we are also sooo grateful for!!! So I am seeking just as a foreign missionary woulld (I am a local missionary)--funds for my family's provision for 2011. If you could support us in 2011 with a monthly support of $200, $100, $50, or even $25. Or if you could just make a one time contribution--that would also be a blessing.

My work goes beyond my congregational service and our community outreach. I also handle a number of weddings and funerals each year for families who have no church home--who look to me for help--and these are wonderful seed planting opportunities.

My family had some tough attacks from Satan in 2009 and 2010, but there have also been many blessings. Christi continues to be a great support to me and a wonderful mother to our kids. Jaici is now 13 and in 8th grade. Jayden is 11 and is a 6th grader. And our newest addition, Bryson Anthamatten--my best friend Shawn's son--who passed away last December--is part of our family now--and a great blessing to us. Bryson is 13 also.

If you can help for next year and support our work--you could start sending your support in January if you want--or anytime you desire. Make checks out to At The Cross and send to:

429 S. Walker
Mesquite, Tx 75149

Or you can use our paypal if its convenient from our website:

Please continue to keep my family and our work for Jesus lifted up in prayer.


Bruce Archer
Bruce Archer
At The Cross Church of Christ--Minister
Nehemiah Mesquite Mission--Servant Leader
(972) 834-7099
Dallas Christian College 07

"Love One Another"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Authentic Worship Today

Today was such an awesome day the Lord gave us! Today At The Cross Church of Christ left our building and had our worship service on the grounds of Peachtree Apartments. We had so many residents including many children join us--it was so beautiful! I preached a message called "Whats The Bottom Line?" from 1 John 4. I drove home--that Christ's desire for all of us as He hung on the Cross--was not for us to be "good church folks." It was for us to love one another well--that anyone who loves--knows God. Anyone who does not love--does not know God.

Of course, we know its just a tad more complicated than that--for we know that even pagans and non-believers love their family members. But they don't understand true love--agape love--UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! Thats the kind of love God wants us to understand.

Very special thanks to the brothers from Saturn Road Church of Christ and First United Methodist Church in Mesquite for helping to provide a cookout of hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone!

There have been many hard days since I began this ministry 6 years ago--but days like today when you get to see people who live in poverty and struggle--get to see how wonderful Jesus truly is--MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT!

May the Lord bless each of you today!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Tellling Jesus "To Hit The Road Jack, And Don't Ya Come Back...!"

I was reading this weekend from Matthew 8 where Jesus healed the two demon possessed men by driving the demons into the herd of pigs--who all were thus killed by going off a cliff! Then in the last verse, we see where neighbors and villagers then pleaded with Jesus to leave the area!??

Interesting, how they had witnessed the Son of God do something good for men and drive demons out--and yet--they wanted Him to leave? Now maybe some of them did not realize who Jesus truly was? We don't fully know. But we know that to date--over and over Jesus had done nothing but good for people! And perhaps over the fear of losing economic gain--these folks--after witnessing Jesus do something good--asked him to leave?

Do we ever do that? Do we ever subconciously ask Jesus to leave when we really want to focus on other things? Do we sometimes without realizing it--ask our Savior to leave when we don't want to be bothered by His ways when they interefere with our desires and our agenda? The good news is--HE never stops loving us and never stops gently knocking on our doors so HE can come back into our lives--no matter how often we may ask HIM to hit the road! What a beautiful and loving Savior Jesus is to us!

Embrace these words from the book of Job:

"Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God!" (Job 37:14).

I love each of you dearly!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

At The Cross Update

It has been a very exciting summer for those of us serving the Lord through At The Cross Church of Christ. God has been doing awesome and incredible things as usual! There has been a lot of change and transformation of our ministry this summer.


We began the summer with the realization that the ministry at Allenhurst Apartments that was once so flourishing, had slowed down tremendously and we no longer had the energy and excitement it once had. We lost about 5 families that had lived at Allenhurst for a long time who could no longer pay their rent or had to move for other reasons. As we lost those families, I noticed more and more that the newer families that were moving in had less and less interest in what we were offering and the child population has continued to decline the past several months there. So when the owners told me back in May that they were definitely raising our rent--I simply felt like God was telling me that what we had done and seen at Allenhurst the past 5 years, was meant to be done at other apartment complexes in Mesquite. So we began to make plans to let our two church apartments go after June--which we did--and now all our operations are out of our building--FOR NOW!

This last spring we did not do our annual big cookout/funfest at Allenhurst for the first time in 5 years--simply because we've also lost a few of our good worker families who had grown tired of the work and ministry we do and they went back to more traditional church settings--and given our tightening funds--I just did not think we could easily sustain such an activity this last year--not too mention again, the lower child population at Allenhurst.

Balch Springs Church of Christ spent a few days helping us do some work at our building and we had a joint Sunday evening devotional with them in early June. Then a week later, The Heartlands Church from Lincoln, Nebraska joined us again for a week for their mission trip. They did wonderful work on our building during the day and awesome mission/discipling work at Allenhurst and Peachtree Apartments at night! Along with a big dinner/worship service on the grounds of Allenhurst (a couple of weeks before we shut down our two church apartments). Those young Nebraskan Christians were sooooo wonderful!! Watching them love on so many adults and children unconditionally and so fired up to show and share Jesus with everyone!

We still take a van through Allenhurst during the week and on Sundays and we still spend time there each week just visiting people and loving on them--but slowing our operations at Allenhurst has finally allowed us to really work Peachtree Apartments a lot harder and more consistently. We moved our Wednesday night dinner/Bible class to Tuesday nights at our building now. So the last few weeks, I have been picking up several kids from Allenhurst and dropping them off at the building and then running down the street and picking up a "FULL" van load from Peachtree--mostly kids but a few adults! These are children who really live in a rough environment! We serve dinner at 6:30 and those kids are so glad to get it--and then class at 7pm. Once a month, we don't have class and we do something fun for the kids. Like recently we had a "Teen Surge" night for all our teens and pre-teens. A brother named Jairus Withrow, who is a very talented musician, Christian rapper, worship leader and more--did some fun Christian rap and music that is somewhat relative to the culture of the young people we are ministering to--and then my old co-worker from CiCi's Pizza Sean Maness, who grew up in a low income apartment complex in Mesquite--gave a great kid friendly devotional talk! We are finding more and more, that WE SIMPLY HAVE TO DO THINGS OUT OF THE BOX--THAT DIFFERENT CULTURES OF PEOPLE TODAY CAN RELATE TO--SO THEY CAN GRASP AND GET THE GOSPEL MESSAGE!!!! That night we had over 40 kids and it was wonderful!

We are hoping to do some on site activities soon at Peachtree--like a back to school cookout. My summer intern, Jonathan Brooks from Harding University, and I went a couple of nights a week and just walked through both Allenhurst and Peachtree and said hi to folks and made friends. Speaking of Jonathan, it was a blessing to have his help. Although I don't look at interns as workers to help us--I look at them as an opportunity to give them as much exposure for future kingdom leadership/ministry roles. Jonathan sat in on some Christian marital counseling, some one on one Bible studies, taught every age group within the congregation Bible class, preached two different Sundays, made shepherding and outreach visits with me, and participated in every Sunday worship service in one capacity or another. He got to see some difficult people/bloody sheep situations. And he took a group of our kids to church camp for a week this summer. I am very proud of Jonathan. This Sunday we are having a special lunch honoring his service.


A year ago I said our teen ministry which was going through a really rough time was our weakest link. Then a few months later, I looked closely at our women's ministry which had once flourished--was really hurting and had become our weakest link. I prayed and prayed for God to give some of our new sisters in Christ--some older, more mature Christian sisters to love on our women and provide some mentoring. Those prayers have been answered! God has since sent several of the sweet sisters again--from Highland Oaks Church of Christ to be a blessing to our women and they have a breakfast/devo once a month and other activities.


For years my family has written a brother in Christ who is in prison to keep him encouraged and occasionally put some funds on his books so he can get basic necessities. We have recently been involving our teens and younger kids in writing him and now we are going to start including other prison inmates in our regular love correspondence. If you have a loved one or a friend in prison and they need some encouragement, get us the mailing info and we will gladly encourage them.


Our food pantry has continued to grow--not just in clients, but in volunteers. Every week we have several sweet sisters from Highland Oaks Church of Christ who help us in that work. However, we are in the process of changing up both our food pantry and really all our benevolence ministry service. We are working to move into a new ministry that provides the good samaritan approach, but also at some point requires some giving back in work or service--so we do not hurt people by enablement. We'd covet your prayers as we pray and work through preparing for this new approach.

Please continue to pray for our work. We need to raise $75,000 by spring of next year so we can do the following:

1. Continue with at least one full time person (which has been me thus far)

2. Be able to go into a new apartment complex (not Allenhurst or Peachtree) and build infrastructure and rent an apartment like we once did at Allenhurst and be able to pay a part time minister to help with that work. I am currently looking at Hickory Tree Apartments not far from our operations and praying about that complex.

3. Continue to be able to provide some benevolence to the many poor families we work with and serve.

Please also be praying for God to keep not only sending us part time workers from other congregations--which are wonderful! But to send us a few more families from a church background who can put their lot in with us full time--who can serve, work, and tithe--so one day we are not so dependent on outside funds.

If you can give, please send checks (made out to At The Cross) to:

429 S. Walker
Mesquite, Tx 75149

Or you can give through our paypal--just go to our website at:

There is much, much more work yet to be done in Mesquite! Many, many lost souls yet to reach! But all things are possible with God!

Love in Christ,


Thursday, July 29, 2010


There is a lady I went to Jr. High and High School with named Robyn Terrill. I didn’t know Robyn well in school, but began to get to know her a couple of years ago on Facebook. Most of the posts I’d see from her always seemed very negative and she seemed so miserable. Whenever I tried to say something encouraging to her, I’d often get a sarcastic response back from her. It was as if she could not believe anyone would just be kind for the sake of being kind.

As the months went by, I began to see a slow softening of Robyn’s heart. We began to message some back and forth and she expressed to me that she was living with family member near the metroplex and had recently become a Christian. As we spoke more, Robyn shared that she had lived in Los Angeles for a number of years and had led a very rough and sinful life. Then a few years ago, she got pregnant and she realized she had to make some changes. What we know now is that God was working His plan out through her life.

As the final months of 2009 wound down, Robyn was fearing she would not be able to stay where she was much longer and she so hated to leave the church she was at and have to up root her and her daughter to San Antonio to go live with her mother, who was also having a lot of struggles. But she did have to go to San Antonio, and myself and others were trying to figure out how to help this woman and her child find a better life. We prayed and we prayed and we prayed! And Robyn waited patiently on the Lord. Oh, not without some real frustration, anger, fear, and anxiety like we all have when we are living on the edge. Then one day, a sister from my congregation whose son was going to go live at Medina Children’s Home mentioned to me about Medina. Medina is a wonderful place where single mothers in difficult situations and children who need a fresh start can go live and have a second chance at life. I immediately could not believe that I had not thought of Medina?

I called a dear brother named Richard Brown from Highland Oaks Church of Christ who is a Medina Representative in the Dallas area and he started the ball rolling. I also spoke to a brother down at Medina who was very helpful and he started dialoging with with Robyn. After a few weeks of Robyn going through process and BY THE GRACE OF GOD—ROBYN AND HER DAUGHTER BELLA GOT INTO MEDINA!

Since then, Robyn and her daughter’s lives have been so blessed! They have a wonderful church home, a stable living environment, a job, daycare, and an overall heavenly Christian community in which to live! Only our God can take such difficult situations and turn them into such a beautiful story of hope! I'm reminded of the story of Ruth.

Robyn praises our God non-stop everyday! She has such a grateful heart and she knows that “her redeemer lives!” I have no doubt that one day Robyn will be a tremendous asset to the Kingdom of God and be a great source of support for many young women who will be going through difficult struggles!

What a mighty God we serve! HE is mighty to save!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dare To Dream

Fellow Workers in Christ,

What I am going to share here, is going to challenge and stretch some of you who are in church leadership. But God did not call us to be comfortable! He called us to obey Him and live our lives to give Him great honor and glory!

I believe 2011 is going to be a very special year for the Lord. I believe deep in my spirit that He is calling all of us to real action, the kind in which we have never seen before! Jesus is coming back one day! Look around the community in which you live, and see the many, many of lost people amongst us! We know the Lord has said that He does not want one person to perish.

Brothers and sisters in Christ--while we as congregations are busy looking for a new youth minister, or raising funds to remodel our facility, or meeting to address some behavior issues with kids during the worship service, discussing while the utility bills are too high, looking for a new pulpit minister, deciding on rules for our new children's ministry, who will have keys to the new youth center we just built, how we will do VBS next year and a whole host of other things we do in churches--(which all are certainly important)--LOST PEOPLE ALL AROUND US ARE HEADED FOR HELL AND MORE YEARS OF A MISERABLE LIFE TIL THEIR DEATH--AND THEY ARE NOT BEING REACHED FOR CHRIST!

We all talk about evangelism and reaching the lost--but what is the fruit of our labor? And are we really laboring with all we have to bring in lost people? Or do we find ourselves spending most of our time around other saved people and being involved with lots of church activities--and never finding ourselves around unchurched people? JESUS DID NOT SUFFER AND DIE ON THE CROSS SO WE COULD LIVE NICE LIVES WITHIN THE CHURCH THE REST OF OUR LIVES! In fact, Jesus tells us that "to those who much is given, much is expected! Jesus has given us the ultimate gift of salvation, He expects us to live our lives in grattitude for that gift and He has commanded us to go share our hope with others who don't yet have that hope!

I'm a dreamer. I dream big things. We need to be dreaming big things on God's behalf! We need to be risk takers for the Lord! What if we dreamed this big dream?

Fellow Church Leaders--what if we dreamed a dream that for one year--we would set aside all projects and issues before the church--and would focus entirely on our congregations going out and reaching the lost of our community? Just take a moment to think and dream about how that would look........

What if every congregation in each community canceled their Sunday services at the building at least once a month and went to a neighborhood or an apartment complex where they would appear to be little Christianity--and had their worship in that place and invited all those living nearby to join them? What if once a month we canceled our Wednesday night service/classes and went to the same type of place and just knocked doors and said hi to everybody or had a cookout and served families living in that area or place?

What if our congregations asked their memberships to bring furniture, appliances, and all other household items they no longer need--and have a "free" sale if you will--where the neighborhood people could come get things they need for their homes--and all of this would be done in the name of Jesus Christ? Spring Creek Community Church in Garland recently did this.

What if each of our congregational memberships were constantly looking for opportunities to make friends and contacts that would give them the opportunity to show love and share Jesus with those people they meet? What if our members took their Bibles with them everytime they went to a restaurant to eat--but not shove Jesus down people's throats--but just show love and kindness in such a way that foodservers and other employees would eventually be asking those members questions? Many times I have had my Bible with me when I ate dinner somewhere and often by me just being real friendly--I was asked questions about my Bible or maybe that person was having a rough day and asked me if I would pray for them.

What if each of our congregations had members who would adopt retail stores like Wal-Marts and became regular shoppers and faces at those stores and made friends with all the employees and maybe had lunch or dinner often at the snack bars of McDonalds within those stores and became regular known and welcome customers? Imagine how many of those employees would be so happy to see those church members come in because they'd know that those Christians would offer them much love and kindness and the aroma of Christ!

What if each of our members started having Bible studies in their homes one night a week where they invite their neighbors to come and make it a comfortable and casual environment for those folks who are not quite ready to come into our church buildings yet? Or what if our members had a devotional in their front yards and a cookout and invited neighbors once a week or month? What if our members became the "ministers" of their streets--and were in regular contact with all the neighbors on their street--and everyone on those streets would know they could count on our members for prayer and love and support?

What if employers or supervisors or folks in leadership positions in the work force began to love their employees as more than just people who work for them--and looked for opportunities to minister to them? I have a lot of experience in this area. Without violating certain work place rules or crossing certain lines of people's personal space--when I was a restaurant manager, I wound up teaching the Gospel to and baptizing many employees who worked for me over the years! As did my old boss at CiCi's Pizza when I was working for him early on before I was a Christian! WE CAN USE OUR WORKPLACE AS CHRIST'S WORKBENCH!

What if every Saturday morning/afternoon, each congregation had a rotating group of workers who were knocking doors in neighborhoods inviting people to church or just saying hi and showing them love in the name of Jesus?

Just imagine if every member in every congregation were using their gifts to show Jesus love to unchurched people and share the truth about Jesus with many people each week where they live?

These things and soooo many more relational and easy things we could do to reach people that would eventually lead to conversations about Jesus--WE COULD DO! THIS IS VERY DOABLE! To just give one year of our lives and the lives of our congregations to reach lost people with all we have in us! And of course, with the Lord's help!

Imagine in one year--if we set everything else aside for one year--to be local missionaries--and our congregations fully devoted to reaching the lost for just one year--IMAGINE HOW DIFFERENT THE SPIRITUAL LANDSCAPE OF OUR COMMUNITIES WOULD BE????

Just imagine and dream for a moment.......

Imagine the many new faces that would be a part of our lives, headed to Heaven with us! Imagine the blessings that would flow for all of those who went out and followed Christ by reaching lost people!

So how would we do this?

It would first start with church leaders fully committing themselves to lead by example and call out and inspire the flock to follow them! Sheep will follow good shepherds! If they sheep see church leaders not just handling matters of the church--but also getting involved in people's lives and bringing in unchurched people and out evangelizing themselves--the members will follow that example!

And with a lot of prayer and asking God to lead and guide such an effort--MANY, MANY PEOPLE COULD BE TRANSFORMED TO BECOME MORE LIKE JESUS AND SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM! In fact, by just committing one year of our lives to this--GENERATIONS OF PEOPLE FROM HERE ON OUT--COULD ONE DAY SPEND ETERNITY WITH JESUS!

Dare to dream fellow Christians! Dare to step out of our comfort zones! Dare to obey and follow Jesus Christ and His example!

Dare to dream--AND THEN GO!

If myself our my congregation At The Cross Church can help your congregation to go live out the Great Commission--we will partner with you arm and arm and go spread the Gospel with you!

Why not? Jesus is coming back. Let us show our true faithfulness to Him when He comes back and take many with us home when He returns!

Why not?

Why not?



Monday, June 21, 2010


Dear Fellow Workers in Christ,

As I was reading through 1 Kings today, I came upon Solomon's prayer of dedication after the building of the great Temple:

Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven and said: "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way. You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it—as it is today (1 Kings 8:23-24, NIV).

I know that when I look around my surroundings of run down apartment complexes and our old building and all the people we serve--many who don't appear to be much when it comes to the human idea of worth and value. And maybe some of you do some side ministry work such as jail ministry or reaching out to people where you live etc. And yet, I look back over the last few years as we have had the privelige to teach to Gospel to and baptize over 100 people--and have planted the seeds of the "Good News" to many more--I FEEL MORE FULFILLED AND BOLDER THAN IF WE HAD BUILT TWO TEMPLES THE SIZE AND MAGNITUDE OF WHAT SOLOMON BUILT!!!!!

I don't mean that in a boastful way at all--God gave Solomon what he needed to build that temple--and HE gave us what we needed to spread the Gospel as far as we have so far in Mesquite! God has not asked us to build HIM a building of bricks and mortar and steel. HE HAS ASKED US TO GO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT HIS SON!

THERE ARE MANY MORE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND IN YOUR COMMUNITY LEFT TO REACH! God has kept HIS promises to us just as HE did to Israel during the time of this prayer Solomon prayed. Let us show our heartfelt grattitude for HIS faithfulness to us--by helping many lost people come to know Jesus Christ!

Grace and Peace,

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is a note I sent to my congregation:

Good Morning ATC Family and Extended Family,

Sorry I did not get out an e-mail to all of you this morning like I normally do to start the week. I was helping the Heartlands group get set up--and then we had to go to court for Bryson's custody hearing--AND GOD ANSWERED PRAYERS!!! He will not be going anywhere! Oh how our God is sooooo gooood!!! Bryson's grandfather, Tom Anthamatten received temporary managing conservatorship with the ability to direct where Bryson lives--which will continue to be me and Christi's home. The mother will get monthly visits if she chooses--but it has to be in Mesquite. We are very thankful!!!

And more good news! The Heartlands group got a lot of good work done today at our building--including some needed floor repairs in the older building we normally use! Then tonight they were with us (all 29 of them) and we had a beautiful time at Peachtree Apartments!! They passed out Jesus Lights (boxes of light bulbs to remind every family of the light Jesus shines) and one of our church fliers. Before that, we had a short devotional on the grounds where I shared about Peter and John getting to experience the Transfiguration with Jesus in Matthew 17--and how we all get to often enjoy the mountain experience in our worship assemblies, at camp, at retreats etc.--but sometimes we need to come off the mountain as Jesus did--and continue to share and evangelize and help others one day get to experience the light and hope of Jesus Christ!!! We had several kids from the aparments participate in our devotional and then they followed us all around the complex. After all the Jesus Lights had been passed out--we then had the opportunity to pray with a couple of folks who were having some struggles and then we walked around and sang hymns and we prayed over every building in the complex. Its been several months since we did that at either complex we serve at and it felt so good--like authentic Christianity! The Spirit was moving tonight at Peachtree!

Tomorrow night we will be doing the same thing at Allenhurst followed by a fun activity with the kids there. Come join us at 7 at Allenhurst. Wednesday night we will have our devotional on the grounds of Allenhurst below the church apartments and then a cookout like last year. Thursday night at 7pm we will have Spencer and Jairus with us doing some Christian rap along with a devotional--that will be a joint fellowship with the Heartlands Family--GOD LOVES UNITY! Invite a friend--we will have a meal immeidately after our worship time.

Tomorrow morning we will be providing a lunch for the Heartlands family and all the food pantry folks who come in. I am looking forward to some good fellowship. All this starts at 10:30. Come join us if you are free!

I am very excited right now--and very thankful to our Lord! LETS GO REACH MANY LOST SOULS BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!

Love in Christ,


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Loving People Where They Are At

I love Max Lucado's book "Just Like Jesus" where the cover caption basically reads "God loves you just where you are at, but He won't leave you there--He wants you to be just like Jesus." This statement is so critical!

For several months, my ministry work revolved around numerous events and outreach campaigns and planning as well as constantly trying to shepherd new Christians and dealing with crisis after crisis of hurting people.

Lately, I have been trying to get back to basics of just going out and loving on people and spending time with the poor, the forgotten, and those who have little background in church. Once or twice a week, I have been going out with our intern Jonathan Brooks to just talk to folks we see at Peachtree and Allenhurst Apartments. Not to mention, I am trying to teach simplistic discipling and evangelism to young men who are seeking a future in ministry. And we are not knocking doors, we are just walking around and when we see people out--we just say hi to them and remind them who are we are and just try to over time--make them feel comfortable and earn their trust.

Some of these folks are very sinful people (like all of us were before Christ). Some of them are not very nice people and don't much care for church people. However, what I keep finding year after year is this: When you just love people unconditionally and treat them with kindness and don't try to be "too churchy and preachy"--many eventually begin to have softened hearts. Some will eventually obey the Gospel and become Christians--and some will not. But its not my job or your job to convert people or save them. Its simply our job to love them where they are at and where they have come from--and teach them God's life changing word!

Are there some folks who need the Lord nearby where you live or near your church that you could go love on and show kindness? Are there some people you know who so long to be accepted and cared for? Remember that we have all come from a place we don't want to talk about--but Jesus' redeeming blood saved us--and by you loving people where they are at--they may eventually be saved also!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Last night myself and our summer intern were walking around Allenhurst and Peachtree Apartments. Our intern has no desire to go serve in a traditional church and preach to saved people every week--he has a hunger to work with the "lesser of these" and those who have no church background. The same kind of people Jesus spent most of his time with and served. As we walked around Peachtree, it was so refreshing.

For one, we were really working that complex hard last summer, until my family went through a rough time and I was just way over extended going several nights a week in ministry. But I saw several families and individuals who remembered me and their smiles were so uplifting to me. Of course, there are always a few who seem a bit intimidated by church people and awkward at first. But usually, if you just show them unconditional love and kindness, they soften up pretty quick.

I met a young man named Jose who had just moved here from Chicago. He was tatooed from head to toe and looked as if he had lived a most interesting life. He said he would not have stayed alive much longer in Chicago due to a bad gang situation. When we first approached him, I thought he might be a bit defensive and uncomfortable. And yet, he seemed so happy that we took the time to talk to him and enjoyed being made to feel special--as he is--all of us God created are special! Early on in Genesis we are told clearly that we are made in God's image! We left Jose with a big smile on his face, and I pray that the name of Jesus is still resonating in his head--as thats who we wanted him to really know about--not us. I explained to our intern--that while I always have my Bible in my hand--my first goal is to just make friends with people and earn their trust. Then they are more open to hearing about Jesus!

Are there some parts of your community like Allenhurst or Peachtree Apartments you and your church can go evangelize and show love to people who need that love so desperately! It will bless you and your congregation immensely! God is ready to do big things in your community! Are you ready to go?

Remember Jesus' instructions of what we call The Great Commission:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV).

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I recently wrote a post regarding how difficult it is for many Christians to develop an intimate relationship with God. Whether it is an older Christian who sits in the pews everytime the doors are open at a traditional church or a Christian who is in a newer Christian at a more progressive and evangelistic congregation--both often struggle with the same problem--they don't really know God!

There is a book I am reading called "The Christian Athiest" by Craig Groeschel. Groceschel is a pastor who once almost lost his relationship with God--because for years he had served God--but never really knew God! That may sound kinda crazy, but how many of us have actually experienced such things? My wife (who is not ashamed to express this) has struggled with just that struggle in the past. And I see many young people who also struggle with this--they attend church and youth activities--but they really struggle to really have a conversation with God.

I often deal with Christians in my congregation or other walks of life that I minister to--who just absolutely struggle--because when the storms of life hit (albeit often Satan)--they don't immediately turn to God and seek HIM and cry to HIM and praise HIS name constantly! Instead they turn to the world! And then their struggles and pain and heartaches just get worse--because they get the wrong medicine if you will?

Where are you? How is your relationship with God? I mean honestly? Not the standard response we give because we don't really want anyone to know how broken we are. But a "REAL" and honest response that allows ourselves and God to really see what needs to be healed. Well really, God already knows. But HE CAN ONLY HELP US IN OUR REALITY, NOT OUR FAKENESS!

Whenever I help one of our members or just anyone who has a sin struggle or some other kind of problem--I always make it clear that their real problem is not their sin or what appears to be attacking them--but instead--their real problem is their lack of relationship with Jesus!

I encourage all of us to keep really seeking to get to know God! I encourage all of us to begin a series of conversations and dialogues with HIM! If you need to cry or gripe or complain--TELL HIM! He can handle it! If you need to spend more time in God's word--so your spirit is constantly being reminded of a way to live--that will give us more peace and joy and less stress--then open up that "life giving word!"

An elder at another congregation who has been a mentor to me for many years once said this statement to me that was so incredibly thought provoking and really changed my entire outlook on ministry--he said this: "I don't care how much someone goes to church or does good works or can quote the Bible. Either people know the Lord or they don't!" Wow! I am not taking that statement and applying it to many well meaning and sincere Christians who love God, but maybe lack some in their relationship with HIM. But I think it is worth at least pondering for each of our own relationships with the ONE who created us?

What do you think? Are you or someone you know showing the fruit of a "Christian Athiest?" It doesn't have to stay that way!

"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him" (Titus 1:16).

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Struggle With Being Intimate With God

If you read John 15, it is hard not to see that for us to be able to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised--we can't just attend church or go feed the homeless from time to time. We have to "stay connected to the vine" as Jesus says. Often I watch my children avoid intimate prayer and discussion with God and I so want them to be able to have that joy and peace that such a relationship offers.

God does not just want "duty prayers" at church on Wednesdays or Sundays. He wants our hearts, He wants our undivided attention!

But I am noticing more and more--as I minister to new Christians and even Christians who have were baptized 5, 10, even 20 or 30 years before--struggle to have an intimate relationship with Christ? And it is killing families and relationships! It is preventing many Christians from ever having the kind of real peace and joy and purpose God intended them to have. It makes sin struggles sooooo much more difficult to ever overcome.

Why is this?

Why are so many Christians avoiding a relationship with Christ? If we read the Psalms, we see a wonderful example of how David communicates with God. Whether he was upset, angry, fearful, or rejoicing--David shared everything with God! God so wants that relationship with us also!

We need to be teaching new Christians how to serve yes--but also how to have a personal relationship with their Savior! There are so many blessings that flow from such a relationship.

Romans 12:1-2 tells us:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Don't we want to have renewed minds that no longer keep us stuck in the muck and the mire? Don't we want to finally move past the life of "KNOWING JUST ENOUGH ABOUT CHRISTIANITY TO BE MISERABLE!" But instead be able to really be transformed into being more and more like Jesus everyday? Don't we want to not constantly be wondering which way to go or struggling with trying to make a decision? Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could more often discern and know what God's will is in every situation?

Such a life of blessings and not a lot of chaos and frustation is available to us--when we actually build a relationship with Jesus. If we do not make the effort to have that relationship, we constantly struggle with all kinds of crap!

Lets have a conversation.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Godly Men Need To Treat Women

I preached a message Sunday called "What God Can Do With A Little Love And Kindness" from Ruth chapter 3. I was so moved at the kind of Godly man Boaz was, that I used that focus for a talk I gave to our men and boys that night at our men's fellowship.

I reminded our men/boys that we need to be seeking now how to become the kind of Godly men that all women will look at us like fathers, big brothers, and sons--and not what the world tells us to look like--which is often men looking at women like they are meat and useable creatures! THATS NOT WHAT GOD CREATED WOMEN FOR! Our young men need to be learning now how to one day lead their families--and how to treat their wives and daughters. Too many men have destroyed the image of God as a father because their daughters have never seen God in their fathers or adult male figures in their lives. We as Christian men, need to change that image and with God's help and guidance--we can!

It always makes me so sad that so many girls have grown into women and all they know about love--is that they have to give something of themselves to get it--something that was meant to be for a Godly marraige! THATS NOT LOVE! So many scars are left--such as insecurity, feelings of little self-worth, problems with intimacy and a general lack of trust for most men. And I am not even talking about girls who have been sexually abused! Thats a whole other struggle of pain! I am talking about women who felt that to have the love of a man--they had to go ahead and give up their innocence. AND ITS JUST A BIG LIE!

Our women should be treated like princesses--DAUGHTERS OF THE GREAT KING OF ALL KINGS! Thats how God created them!

As we approach Mother's Day--let us, the men of the Lord's Church--be focusing more and more on becoming the kind of men who treat their wives with honor and respect and value the critical role they play in God's kingdom and in our homes. Lets prepare our daughters to one day look for Godly men who could one day lead their families towards heaven--not just some guy who is "fun, wild and cool."

Let us become "Kinsman Redeemers" as Boaz was to women and girls who have never had any Godly men in their lives. And let us help them see that our God is a wonderful Father who is prepared to lavish lots of goodness and love on His daughter children. Let such girls and women see the love of a Fatherly God through us!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Preachers Cry

Tomorrow I will be preaching on "Why Preachers/Prophets Cry" from Lamentations 3. Its been on my heart for some time. I know many preachers who preach on Sundays--and they can spend lots of time researching and polishing and putting together just the perfect sermon. And while they make hospital visits and such--often they mostly focus on preaching--which is good. These preachers often have elders in place to handle more of the shepherding matters. At least in most Churches of Christ that is the norm.

I live a different kind of a life as a preacher. Really, my role is more of a pastoral role. I spend a lot of my time shepherding the flock, counseling and mentoring, dealing with crises, trying to develop leaders, making sure we have teachers to teach on Wednesday nights, and often giving rides to work or providing other on the ground help to families. I have two wonderful men on the leadership team with me who also function in shepherd roles.

I guess because in our congregation, it is such a heavily outreach focus work and we have many new Christians among our flock--the work can be very difficult when it comes to looking after those new "sheep" if you will. I often learn things about people I'd rather not know. I often know details about people's lives that are very heartbreaking. And I often find myself in the role of holding brothers or sisters accountable for sin. This is not one of the more glamorous parts of ministry. They don't really teach such things in seminary.

So often I see people who are excited when they first become a Christian, but after the newness wares off and they find themselves wanting to remain involved in church but also wanting to maintain a life in sin--a decision often has to be made--"Should I stay or should I go now." Too often I have seen new Christians wonder away because it was too hard to give up their fleshly desires. Satan loves to pull new Christians back into his misery. And as a church leader, its one of the most painful and difficult things to experience.

They say that in today's standards, Jeremiah would be considered a failure when it comes to ministry! NO ONE EVER LISTENED TO HIM! He often begged and pleaded with his fellow Israelites to repent and follow God and they not only laughed at him and refused to listen--but often they physically punished him. Then I think of Moses getting so frustrated with the people who had been so blessed by God by HIS delivering them from bondage in Egypt--and yet how quickly they could turn on God and complain against Him.

Sometimes you just feel like a total failure--that you want sooooo bad for your brothers and sisters in Christ to understand how important it is to stay faithful to God--and often they get upset and irritated with you. Sometimes they get very angry and say harsh things. God has gifted me to be able to see beyond the now--and see how awful lives will be when people reject God over and over. When you love people so desperately and want them to not have to suffer the consequences of sin and not suffer from being apart from God. Its really hard.

I can empathize with Jeremiah and Moses. But what I do know--is it is not my job to save anyone. Nor is it my job to force someone to do what is right. God gave us all free will. But it is my job to teach the truth and stand up for what is right--including in my own home.

Ultimately we are all individually accountable to God. But I just so want to see God's people not only get to go to heaven--but to also get to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised while we are still in this life!

Sometimes when I see people just ignoring God and rebelling against HIM and suffering the consequences over and over--just makes me sometimes cry! But I endure, I persevere and I put all my trust and hope in the Lord. He is worthy to be praised!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I titled this entry "Pain, Suffering, and Bloody Carnage" to point out what is being left behind in family after family--where Satan goes in and deceives husbands and wives that they'd be better off to go pursue what they want--and just divorce and let the family be torn apart!

Jesus weeps at such family tragedies! Scripture is very clear, that adultery is the only justifiable reason for divorce! Now--certainly like many Christians--in my heart I believe that God is understanding of physical abuse, child molestation and other difficult things that can come up sometimes where a spouse has no choice but to be apart from the abusive spouse. But I rarely here such reasons when I hear about marraige breakups these days.

Unfortunately, I hear things like: "We've just grown apart," or "He or she just gets on my nerves" or "I am just not attracted to (her) (him) anymore," or "I just want to be happy."

And what I notice in almost everyone of these situations--is that while most of these couples splitting up say they are believers--most are not really serious in their relationships with God both as individuals and as couples. Very few live an active lifestyle in the Lord day to day--but are too often concerned about their own selfish wants and desires. Many do not pray together, nor do they have much communication period unless it is negative. My dear friends--OUR MARRAIGES AND OUR FAMILIES DESPERATELY NEED THE LORD!!!

When we marry, we enter into a covenant relationship with each other and with God. God does not like His covenants being broken and HE does not like families being torn apart. God hates the life time scars that are left on children after divorce. Genesis 2 tells us that at some point, a man shall leave his father and mother and become one with a woman. That does not mean that each spouse has to lose their identities--but it does mean that married couples are to be united together--forsaking all others!

Ephesians 5 and 6 teach us how God wants husbands and wives to live. It takes both husband and wife working everyday. But through God's word, through couples praying together, choosing to love each other more and more and get "self" out of the way--great miracles can take place. And there are also Christian Counselors that can also help couples sort through problems and be able to better communicate better. If your marraige is hurting, there is hope! God can do great things we cannot do!

However, much is at stake!

When a husband or wife makes the final decision to leave the marraige covenant--there is so much pain and suffering. I can tell you that so many emotional scars are also left on the adults too. But the real victims are the children whose lives change forever. So much "bloody carnage" is often left behind because one or both spouses decide without good Biblical cause to end a marraige and EVERYONE LOSES!!!

If your marraige is struggling--there is help! Start praying together. Start reading books like "The Power of Praying Couples" and "His Needs Her Needs" to name a few--and those books can really help! Invite your pastor or church leadership team to help pray with you and perhaps counsel you and your spouse. Get Christian Marraige Counseling. Don't give up on your marraige! Instead honor God, learn to love Jesus better everyday--and HE will teach you to love your spouse better than you ever have before!

Peace and Love to all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Calling It Like It Is

I was up tonight watching "Dateline NBC" with Chris Hansen and it is so disturbing seeing so many men who are caught trying to solicit sex with teen aged girls. What is even scarier are the number of men who are not caught!

My friends--our children are under attack! Our families are under attack! But lets call it like it really is. Its not due to psychological problems or bad childhoods and all the other excuses we make for people. The ultimate problem with such tragedies--is plain and simple--ITS CALLED EVIL! Its not people that are bad--such sin and tragedies happen when poeple become so separated from God--and are completely overcome by Satan's lies and deception. Paul addresses such issues in Romans 1:18-31:

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Verse 28 says it all--when it says God eventually gives people over to their sin and they have a "Depraved Mind" which means we no longer have any conscience.

We all sin and fall short. But if we keep our spirit being continually fed and stay walking in the light--we are much stronger to resist temptation and our fleshly desires.

But make no mistake--our problem today with all the various kinds of social ills such as child sexual predators or murderers and the list goes on--is simply due to a lack of Jesus in people's lives! Lets keep telling a hurting and lost world about our Savior!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Children And Sex

This will be my last posting regarding "Sex God's Way." I want to talk about our children and the danger they face with how Satan is working double time to lure them into a lifestyle that God meant for married adults.

If you look at what kids are watching on tv, what they are talking about, or what they listen to on the radio--so much of it is packed with the concept of how "having sex" is the norm for everyone and every age. Were not just talking about 16 and 17 year old kids being consumed with this--but 9, 10, 11, and on up. Too many girls long to look very sexually appealing. So many songs are just riveted with verses like "Boys wanna touch my junk," "Rub it up and down," and the list goes on!

While Christian parents and our churches are trying to plant seeds of Jesus in our kids, as soon as they walk out of that influence the world (Satan) is working to quickly undo that teaching by luring them into thinking pre-marital sex is ok.

Just look at the so called "Reality" shows! They all glorify these college kids having casual sex as if its just normal. I remember seeing one show recently (yes, I do occasionally take a look at such shows so I know whats going on) where one girl is defending her Christian faith to one of the other roommate guys who was an athiest--and then later on sleeping with him!!?? Boy, what a twist and so confusing for our kids!

We have become so desensitized to sexual sin--and now more and more of our kids are becoming the same. In my ministry, I often come in contact with 10 and 11 year old girls who are already sexually active and its not considered a big deal. It breaks my heart--that so much innocence is being destroyed! It also breaks Jesus' heart!

These young people are having something that could be so special between their future spouses spoiled and possibly ruined forever by partaking of sexual sin so early. I am not talking about forgiveness--God's always got plenty of forgiveness and mercy and grace! I am talking about being physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred for life. So many young girls have come to believe that the way to experience love--is to give their bodies to boys or men who have no concept or understanding of what real love is!

But this scourge on our young people DOES NOT HAVE TO CONTINUE! We can go to war and begin to with God's help--lay out a battle plan of protection for our children! Here is an example of a solid battle plan:

1. Begin teaching our children about the Lord while they are still in the cradle.

2. While not exposing our children to things they are not ready for, also recognize that they often get exposed to sad realities whether we like it or not--and we need to be prepared to teach them what God intended sex to be--and not what the world has done to preverse and abuse that institution.

3. Let our children see what love between a man and a wife is supposed to be--so they have something to go by--besides physical intimacy. How many women complain about husbands who only want sex but offer no tenderness and affection? Moms and dads need to model for their children what sweet and tender agape love is--that goes way beyond sex.

4. Explain the dangers of sexual sin to our children--not just things like STDs and early pregnancy--but the awful emotional and mental scars that come along with pre-marital sex too.

5. While everyone cannot home school their kids, we can control what they listen to, what they watch on tv, what they read and who they spend their time with. WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT OUR KIDS ARE DOING!!!!

I pray that the Lord will put a strong layer of protection around all of our children and that our communities of faith--will stand up to the world's lie--that kids can go ahead and experience all the things adults get to experience--WE NEED TO TELL THE WORLD WHO WILL LISTEN THAT ITS ALL A LIE INTENDED TO DESTROY OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURES! Satan knows he cannot defeat God--so he tries to hurt God by hurting God's children. Lets all do our part to help turn the corner and protect our children's innocence! Peace be with you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


When I was single and had tasted the forbideen fruit of fornication--everyday I was not married was such a struggle for me. And I look back on the failed relationships that included sexual sin in them that caused much pain for me and them. Perhaps many single Christians are dealing with the same struggle?

What can we do?

First there is no easy fix. Paul tells us in Romans 7 that "I do what I hate and what I want to do I do not do" (paraphrasing). Our spirit wants to stay pure, but our flesh cries out to be satisfied. So the best we can do is to cling tight to the Lord's promise that HE has something so much better to offer. We need to begin to pray for God to sustain us and to fill the void of not being married with a revelation of just how HE wants us to be serving HIM while we are single. We need to let God fill what man cannot. Just like married Christians who also struggle with lust and sinful desires--we have to keep our hearts protected from Satan's lies and deception. We have to keep ourselves filled with heavenly things--what we read, what music we listen to, and keeping our thoughts and eyes on Jesus!

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 7 that its better not to marry due to the greater and more undisturbed service we can render to God. But he also says if passion burns too much in us (like it did me) that we need to marry. I realize this is much easier said than done for many single Christians.

THERE IS NO EASY SOLUTION HERE--other than God can do what we cannot. When we are weak--HE is strong. Let us keep calling on HIM when we feel weak and tempted. Let us strive to keep ourselves pure. If you are single, get involved in a strong Christian singles group with other Christians who can give you and you give them much encouragement. Stay surrounded by those who would hold you accountable.

When I worked at CiCi's, one of my brothers, Tom Grace, would always pull me aside and ask me if I was sleeping with whoever I was dating. I did not always like such questions--and I am sure most would be offended at such inquiries--but thats how much Tom loved me and he knew how things worked--since he had been single before and liked women as much as I did. But I thank God everyday for a brother like Tom who held my feet to the fire. Its better to be uncomfortable and be called out than to suffer the awful consequences for sin.

God is faithful. Cling close to HIM and HE can handle your struggles. HE can fulfill so much more than the things of the flesh that we are so convinced we have to have.

Monday, March 22, 2010


As we continue to look at that big, big word "SEX" and chew on what that really means for our lives--I want to keep directing our focus back to God's plan and purpose for sex. If you look back at the Book of Genesis--we can see early on that God wanted man to be "fruitful and multiply." So God had a purpose for sex to be used to procreate. And we see that with Adam and Eve being the first married couple if you will--we see that:

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame (Genesis 2:24-25, NIV).

So God had a plan early on, that a husband and wife would be united together. And that having children would be an important part of that union. Thus sex was meant for special things--special plans God had.

And notice that Adam and Eve were naked--but "Had no shame?" Why would they not have shame? And yet--even those who are often stuck in sexual sin (who are not completely depraved and given over to Sin by God)--recognize the awkwardness and embarrasing feelings of certain situations where there is nudity or sexual discussions. Many adults who are living in fornication or adultery--still don't want their kids watching movies that involve sexual situations or watching pornagraphy. Because deep inside--they know that God intended sex to be a holy and pure thing--not something to deal with wrecklessly and abuse! Even many non-Christians get that basic concept.

So we see situations like the mass sexual sin and abuse of sex in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18 and how tired God was of that institution HE created being so preversed. We know that ultimately God destroyed this town and burned it to the ground!

But before we get too deep into this all being about "RULES," let me say--that God does not just put HIS commandments and requirements just "BECAUSE HE IS GOD AND HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS"--God knows what is harmful for us!

God said we are not to lie because HE knows that when we do--we lose the trust of those who love us and relationiships get hurt and sometimes destroyed. God said not to allow anger to take control of us because it will cause a lot of pain for us and those we love. God said not to gossip and spread malicious rumors because a lot of pain and suffering come from it. HE even told the people not to have mold in their homes--and we all know how harmful mold is in our homes surely? So--HE said not to partake of sex out of marraige--because HE knew it would be very harmful to HIS children!!!!

HE knew that long term venerial diseases could attack our bodies. HE knew that future marraiges could be hurt by the emotional scars left from pre-marital sex. HE knew that families could be destroyed by adultery. HE knew how difficult it would be for children who are born out of wedlock and how damaging broken homes can be. HE knew that teen aged girls having babies out of marraige--would affect many lives for generations to come and end beautiful childhoods. HE knows how dangerous and harmful it is when we abuse something HE created for very special purposes.

However, when we engage in sex in marraige--and it is holy and pure--it can be the most beautiful thing and God will bless that and make it so much more than what the world has always told us about sex!

If your marraige is struggling due to sexual issues and both of you want to keep sex holy and between the two of you--there are many books out there that are written by Christian but professional counselors that can help--as well as in person counseling. But whatever we do--let us keep the marraige bed pure and holy as scripture tells us to do.

Now--for those who are single--who struggle with sexual desire and urges--that is another issue altogether that we need to discuss. We will engage that next posting. God can help those struggles too! Lets have a conversation.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Dream And Seek God's Vision For Our Congregations

I am taking a break from my series on what God intended purpose for sex and I am sharing some thoughts on my heart about big things God could make happen through our local congregations if we were to choose to totally say YES TO JESUS!

Dear Fellow Workers in Christ,

Before I get into what is on my heart here--I want to again request that any shepherds who could come help us pray over children Sunday afternoon at 12:45 (sometimes we don't start til 1pm)--we would be so grateful! We want our several new Christians to see who shepherds are and the importance of shepherds praying over members of the flock.

Here is what I wanted to share tonight. I have been in Bonham, Texas the past couple of days to get away to have some alone time with God. Today I was walking around in Bonham State Park--a beautiful place to enjoy God's creation--and I was standing there reading in the Psalms--and while I had none of my members there to hear me preach/read scripture--I did have a flock of 4 ducks who just sat there at my feet looking up at me while I read!! I'm not kidding!! :)

Then I began to walk and just talk with God. I remembered seeing a few small trailer parks earlier in the day where people live very simple lives. And I then remembered watching that old movie recently that I so love--"Lillies of the Field." I was reminded today of the part of the movie where the Catholic Priest is going from little impoverished community to community and having worship services. And I had a continued vision I began having months before we started the Nehemiah Ministry over 5 years ago at Allenhurst Apartments--which is simply that we keep spreading the Gospel all over our communities--where there would otherwise be little Christianity! In Mesquite alone, there are several other rough apartment complexes where children are growing up with no Godliness among any of the people they grow up around. And I was dreaming of how wonderful it would be if more and more congregations started ministries in all those apartments--and made those communities an extension or a second campus of their congregation. There are old neighborhoods that have been forgotten where vacant houses could be easily bought or rented and mission churches started--and soon my dreams were envisioning Sunday afternoon picnics in the front yards of those houses where preaching and singing is taking place and much agape love is abounding and there is hope in children's eyes!

And then as I was walking in the sunshine and among the grass and the tall trees--and my vision began to encompass the faces of children who are currently suffering around our communities. Children who are currently witnessing all kinds of sin in their homes. Children who are already sexually active and who many would test positive for marijuana if they were tested because it is so heavily smoked in their homes/apartments. Then my vision went from seeing the despair of those children--to seeing many Christians coming out of the woodworks to minister to those children--and then my vision went to 20 years later--and seeing those children sitting in a worship service in one of our congregations or hopefully one of several new congregations that was planted from those early efforts--and these Christian adults who were once children under fire--are now living faithful lives and they are now going out to reach out to children who need Jesus!! AND GENERATIONS OF LIVES ARE CHANGED FOREVER AND WILL ALL BE IN HEAVEN TOGETHER BECAUSE OUR CONGREGATIONS TODAY SAID YES TO JESUS AND LEFT THE BUILDING TO GO SHARE THE HOPE AND LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!

If God has been putting a dream and a vision on your heart--write it down and start making plans to go out and live out the Great Commission. I leave you with these words from Habakkuk:

Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay (Habakkuk 2:2-4).

We need to be asking God to reveal HIS vision to us--of how HE wants us to take the church out of the buildings and into the community! If we ask--HE will answer!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"SEX, SEX, SEX!!! (Part 1)

As we look at what God intended sex to be, we must first go back to the beginning. In Genesis 1:26-28 God said:

"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

My first thought here, is that given that God is mighty, powerful, all knowing, merciful, and the creator of the heavens and the earth--and if we were made in His image--we must be very special! So if God is a holy and pure God--He expects His children to be holy and pure.

Beyond God's expectation that we would live holy and pure, we see that man is superior to the animals and other living creatures and that man was told to be fruitful and multiply. So we can early on see that God must have had a very special plan for man to increase and multiply--which would obviously eventually require sex for that to happen.

A little further along in Genesis 2, we see that God saw that man needed a suitable helper and thus created woman. And soon thereafter, we see basically, the institution of marraige formed with this verse:

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

Lets ponder today, just how much God then would value this creation--the institution of marraige. We know that God does not do things haphazardly. If He so perfectly made the heavens and the earth--then His greater creation of mankind--He would have high expectations! When our children are born and are small children, we also have great expectations that they would grow up pure and with innocence and goodness--so maybe we can understand why our Father wants sexual purity for His kids just as we do.

Sex therefore was created for the marraige covenant. In my next entry, we will talk about why God would require sex to be only for those who are married.

Monday, March 15, 2010

SEX, SEX, SEX!!!!!

The purpose of the title of this blog is not to be cute or to create shock value. Its just that sex is sooo prevalent in our society--and not just among those who live apart from the family of God--but it is a huge struggle in the daily life of many Christians. So often we are told that such topics are taboo or not appropriate in a worship setting or among a church fellowship--and I say there is no better place or time to discuss something that God created that was intended to be something beautiful and holy.

Over the next few blog entries, I intend to talk about this subject of sex--that can be a blessing for God's people--or when used out of the marraige covenant--can absolutely destroy families and leave emotional, mental, and spirtual scars for a lifetime! It is not my intention to be overly "Preachy" or condemning of those who struggle with sexual sin. So let me be up front right away and say that sexual sin was always this preacher's worst struggle!

Like many boys growing up in the 70s and 80s, I found my share of dirty magazines and was quickly drawn to desire the images in which I had been exposed. I think by the time I was 14, I probably had a dozen dirty magazines hidden under my bed. By the time I was 15, I was exposed to hardcore cenematic pornography at a buddy's house. Over the next few years, I found myself getting more and more addicted to porn--in any shape or size I could get that exposure. I remember wanting and desiring to find a nice girl to marry some day--but I also was so obsessed with wanting to experience sex--that it just almost seemed silly to wait to get married first. It seemed that I should make sure the sex part would be good first. And so I remember not looking at girls the way I should have. I remember not looking at girls and women as my mothers, sisters, and daughters--but as something less--much less!

And it wasn't that my parents did not try to raise me with good values on that subject. My parents did wait til they were married to be intimate and I remember being taught that sex out of marraige could cause a lot of problems. And yet--children's hormones are changing day by day--and it doesn't take much to set those hormones off in a big way once a young man or woman gets exposed to things they were not yet meant to see. Fortunately for me, I was too much of a "dork" as my wife often refers to me as when I was younger and I was unable to get into sexual sin in my teen years. But it was not for lack of trying!

But my time came in my early 20s and I then discovered the reality of pre-marital sex--I was quickly hooked. I remember some very unhealthy relationships--that only created lots of pain and hurt on both sides of the relationship. And scripture teaches us that once we start sinning--it gets easier and easier to slip deep into that sin! I remember not treating some of my girlfriends very well and treating them just shamefully. I remember being almost desensitized to sexual sin--and not caring about what pain it might cause myself or others.

When I became a Christian when I was 27, the first few months I stayed very pure and was determined to stay that way. But it only took an old relationship I had once been impure with, to hit me at just the right weak moment--and I was back into sin again. And over the next couple of years of being a young, new Christian--I struggled with wanting to stay pure--but those fleshly desires had already been given into--and the temptation was constantly on my back!

Later in my first few years of marraige, I loved my wife dearly and very much desired her--but like many men--struggled some off and on with pornography and lustful thoughts. And then I would struggle with those awful feelings of guilt and shame. However, by the grace of God--and my relationship with Jesus continuing to grow over the years--God has helped me overcome much of that struggle and I can honestly say--that I only desire my wife. She is absolutely beautiful to me and I know that is who God gave me and I want to honor my covenant--with both my wife and with God! However, as wonderful as that is--I am not so naive as to think that if I let my gaurd down for a moment--that Satan would look for any opportunity to tempt me so my marraige and family could be destroyed! Scripture tells us to watch closely and be on gaurd at all times. NONE OF US ARE EXEMPT FROM SATAN'S LURING LIES AND DECEPTION!!!

My heart now, desires to look at women as my mothers, my daughters, and my sisters. And I so want that for my boys too! I want my boys to grow up to be Godly men who treat their future wives with honor and respect and learn to love their wives as Jesus loves the Church as Paul teaches us in Ephesians 6. But I know that there are many odds against my boys and your boys and your girls. The world (and the powers of darkness) are working non-stop to lure our children into sin. The world says "Go ahead and grow up now and experience grown up stuff now." And innocence is being destroyed daily! But our God is more powerful! The corner can be turned and victories for our children's futures can be won! We will be talking about all these things that are at stake over the next several days in this series. We will be talking about how God wants sex to be something absolutely beautiful for His children--not something to be abused and lives destroyed and much pain be handed out for generations! This is something God's people need to be talking about desperately! Lets have a conversation.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Diverse Job

I say job, I truly don't look at being a minister as a job. There are many good ministers out there who have secular jobs and give their extra time to serve the Lord's Church. I am blessed to be able to provide for my family and serve the Lord full time--at least for now. In my ministry, that kinda goes year to year as if I will have a salary. My work does not have a 401K or health benefits--but the Lord does take good care of us! But again, its not a job--its a labor of love! And really, how can I not preach the good news of Jesus Christ?

One of the things I love about my work--is the often diverse things I get to be a part of and experience. This last Saturday--I found myself taking a few of our members to meet up with another congregation's members to go help them knock doors in the neighborhood near their building. Later that morning, I was on the phone counseling one of our members who was struggling with a personal crisis. Later in the day, I had to put together a last minute sermon since the one I was going to do got postponed a couple of weeks. Then I met over at Mesquite Church of Christ to baptize a young man whose dad is one of my oldest friends. An hour later, I was sitting at Grandy's eating some good chicken fried steak and doing some pre-marital counseling with a couple I will be marrying next month. Later that evening I had another crisis situation that needed some help. But let me be clear--I really can't help anyone--I just direct people to our God of grace and mercy and love and His blueprint for life--His word--The Holy Bible!

In my work, I often find myself ministering to all kinds of people--not just my congregation nor the families who live at Allenhurst and Peachtree Apartments. But all kinds of people--and I take great joy in the diversification of my work. I am thankful and honored to serve God. He blesses me and my sweet family everyday! I am excited about future journeys in which He may lead me!

He Is Faithful and mighty to save!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Love Watching Baptisms

Tonight--we were about to go eat dinner after Bible class at Allenhurst Apartments--and one of our members--Sarah Medders got a call that her younger brother Caleb was about to be baptized. So we immediately said dinner would have to wait--and went to go watch this young man be born into Jesus Christ!

As I watched Caleb's dad Seburne take his confession, I saw the deep emotion Seburne felt and was expressing--to have the honor of baptizing his last child into Christ. I remembered getting to baptize my two step children--and Jayden's baptism was only about a year and a half ago. My heart was so full of joy for both Caleb and his family.

One of my thoughts after the baptism, was the long line of Godly leaders in his family. Seburne is a deacon in the Lord's church, Caleb's uncle Jeff is a preacher, Caleb's grandad Harvey was an elder and a great evangelist--and I was informed by Caleb's grandmother that there were other great men of the church in the family also.

Don't ever underestimate the example we set and hopefully instill in our children! I praise God for the seeds that were planted in the Medders family many years back! Congratulations brother Caleb! Welcome to the Kingdom of God!

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6, NIV).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Dear Fellow Workers in Christ,

I probably sometimes sound redundant about our Tuesday morning food pantry at our building--but each week is truly a different worship experience! In fact, my vision and desire for Tuesday mornings--is not to be a time of "handing out food--but instead a time of: EVANGELISM, SHARING LOVE, PLANTING SEEDS, GIVING JESUS A GOOD NAME, SINGING PRAISES, PRAYING FOR FOLKS, AND BASICALLY A WORSHIP SERVICE!!!!

Today was so wonderful. When my sister Sherry (who has come so far in her walk with God since she came to me a year plus ago having lost everything due to a gambling addiction and just living a rough life for years) and I pulled up to the church building--there was probably already 25 people standing in line waiting for us to open up. As I was walking up to the building--I am saying hello in english and in spanish--and got so many smiles and faces full of hope and thankfulness--not just from our regulars--but from a few folks that had not been there before. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE JUST NOT USED TO BEING TREATED WITH LOVE AND KINDNESS! Especially the poor. And while we still don't have a spanish interpreter (I use my best "restaurant spanish"), all the spanish speaking folks seem to happy and excited to be there!

And our wonderful volunteer sisters from Highland Oaks Church of Christ along with my sister and a couple from At The Cross that I baptized and married this summer--were all working and serving and helping all these people--a good 45 to 50 people if you include the children and family members who were not getting food. And I sooooo felt like we were in Heaven--with so much love and hope and sooooo many smiles!!! God is sooo goooood!!! I thought of the verse from the Lord's Prayer--"THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!" I felt God's will being done today and it was GOOOOOOOD!!!!

So many more lost souls to reach! So many children who need Jesus! LETS GO!!!


Sunday, March 7, 2010


I thought I would share a note to my congregation--for our Monday morning church e-mail on my blog today:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ! I titled this e-mail "New Week, New Blessings" because I believe God wants to bless all of us this week!!! Lets be ready to receive those blessings! God stands ready and willing to do GREAT things in our lives--not always what we want--but great and wonderful things nonetheless--if we will accept HIS blessings and love! Why not start this week? Why not listen closely to what HE has to say to us? Why not spend some time each day in HIS word for HIM to reveal how we should live and follow HIS ways? God's on the move!

I was so moved at the love I felt from all of the Highland Oaks family today when I told the congregation thank you for helping us with the fundraiser and all their other help on the ground. I got prayed over by several members before I left--my cup runneth over!!

James Chancellor did such a wonderful job these past two Sundays about bringing Christ into our homes! I really meant what I said today too--that as much as I want our congregation to be about outreach and evangelism--IF ALL EACH OF YOU DO IS JUST GET BETTER AT MINISTERING TO YOUR FAMILIES--THAT WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO EVANGELIZE!!! Love your spouses a little more, love your kids a little more, learn and talk to God a little more and your homes will be very joy filled places!

I enjoyed me, James, and JT taking the Sr. High teens bowling--AND JAMES CAN BOWL!!! We also had a great time last night at the church apartment with the 6th grade and under kids for the pizza/devotional. Special thanks to Sarah, Tim, and Megan for helping me.


This Sunday Lloyd and I will be starting a new series on The Book of Ruth. We will be spending some time unpacking this wonderful story of love, devotion, compassion, and mercy along with how God can take something difficult--even our sin and rebellion--and make it something beautiful! Then the following Sunday--is our special celebration for our children.

The Leadership Team loves each of you very much. LETS SHARE JESUS WITH SOMEONE THIS WEEK!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Sad Days

Today, a family that has been with me the last four years at Allenhurst Apartments to a rough part of Dallas. It breaks my heart! I baptized three of the kids and the parents over the years--and married the parents this last summer.

We have always had so many families who have come and gone from Allenhurst. So to have a handful of families that have been with us for a few years, are just so very dear to our hearts. Its pretty obvious we will not have the access to the kids we once had and I fear for them.

Sometimes, the kids we work with often become like our own--and its painful when you so want the best for kids and yet--we really have little control over their livese.

So we pray and we pray--that the seeds that were planted while they were a part of our congregation--will one day bloom into the abundant life Jesus promised!

So while I rejoice for the time we had with them--my heart is also heavy right now. Every soul is so precious!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Who Is God?

As I work my way through each of our age groups in my congregation--I am spending the next few weeks with the Sr. High teens of my congregation and from Allenhurst Apartments. Not always the easiest group of kids to work with--but I love them dearly! I just finished a stint with a few months with our 3rd through 6th graders and before that had taught our adults for several months.

I am doing a series with these kids who I know struggle with understanding what it means to have a relationship with Jesus--and the series is called "Who Is God?" Tonight we are going to get into the nitty gritty about creation and perhaps what God's desire was with His creation and how much all of us as creators tend to love and adore that which we have created. Thus, I hope to eventually help point these kids to the fact that God is simply--A GOD OF LOVE!

If we don't find a way to help our young people discover who the Lord really is--many will most likely struggle and miss many of the opportunities to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised!

God is indeed--a God of love!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Renaissance Apartments in Midland, Texas

A couple of years ago, there were some Christians from Golf Course Road Church of Christ in Midland who were dreaming about how they could better spread the hope and love of Jesus Christ to those who would often otherwise be forgotten by most churches. Over a year and a half ago or so--I was in Midland and a group of those Christians were talking about starting an apartment ministry like we were doing here in Mesquite. One afternoon I went out with some brothers from the GCR family to look at a handful of apartment complexes where they could possibly start a new ministry for Christ. One particular complex I most remember us driving by was called Renaissance Apartments. Renaissance is a typical apartment complex with lots of lower income families, many whom most likely don't have a church home or are not actively involved with the Lord.

I remember us sitting there in the car, just praying for God to direct which complex GCR was to go to and begin a work. For some reason, I felt something special about Renaissance. I had these visions of cookouts and bounce houses and lots of kids having fun and the love of Christ abounding all over the complex. And the Lord did indeed direct the GCR family to Renaissance Apartments!

Several months back I went to Midland to preach at GCR and I got to go see the work at Renaissance. They had just had a VBS there and I got to see the apartment they are using. I found out today from a brother on the GCR missions team--that the work has exploded! He said several kids are coming to church each week, there is a meal on Monday nights for the kids, and several Bible studies going on with adults. HALLELUJAH!!!!! Praise God for the Golf Course Road family--they are getting out of the building and living out the Great Commission! Many lives will forever be changed because the Golf Course Road family said yes to Jesus!

Are there some apartments or a neighborhood near your church--that your congregation could go and start a ministry? Start dreaming. Start believing.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV).

Let us be in prayer for God to continue to bless the work at Renaissance Apartments in Midland, Texas!



Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Going To Church or Kingdom Advancement?"

I often think about how much we have institutionalized things in the Lord's Church. And when I say that, I am not in any way advocating loosely led congregations with little order where everyone sings cumbaya and just "feels good." There needs to be strong and God led leadership in every congregation and some sense of direction. But we don't need to put so much focus on "doing things the right way" and instead focus on the Great Commission!

Whether it is planting new congregations or working out of established ones--just getting out and ministering to people gets lost in the hussle and bussle of other things. So much "professionalism" and "textbook" ways of doing things are at the constant forefront--instead of the sweet simplicity of reaching out to lost people, teaching God's word, loving one another, and living by Jesus' example. So much money goes into planting churches or maintaining existing ones and so much planning for facilities, acquiring land, and a dozen other man focused ways of doing things--instead of just "keeping the main thing the main thing." Scripture teaches us to multiply, multiply, multiply. How can we do that--if we are so busy organizing and planning. Sometimes by the time we organize and plan everything--we have missed numerous opportunities to share Jesus with lost people!!! Instead of so much planning--how about congregational leaderships teaching members of the flock how to share their faith and evangelize! And then those leaders take those members out with them to go evangelize and set the example. This is what the early church leaders did--they mentored and trained up more and more evangelists and teachers and preachers. WE DON'T HAVE TO HAVE MASTER DEGREES TO SHARE JESUS WITH PEOPLE! We just have to care and rely on God.

Nice, fancy buildings don't bring people to Christ--loving Christians who minister to lost people bring people to Christ. Instead of putting millions of dollars into facilities--how about going and renting some apartments or trailers or houses in neighborhoods and communities where there is little Christianity? Lets get the churches out of the buildings and into the communities!

And God will use us to do AMAZING AND SUPERNATURAL THINGS!!!

Lets go! Many souls are in in danger!


Saturday, February 27, 2010


When we first planted At The Cross Church of Christ--we had two primary financial supporters--Golf Course Road Church of Christ and Highland Oaks Church of Christ. And while Golf Course Road has blessed us greatly financially and has even sent a couple of youth teams out to help us before--the family at Highland Oaks due to them being closer--has just been a real blessing to our work in Mesquite!

So many of their members help us daily on the ground. Whether its working with our teens or helping with our finances, or the several sisters who help us with our Tuesday morning food pantry--we are just so grateful for the involvement from the family at Highland Oaks!

God continues to bless our ministry--with good workers from numerous congregations. But there is much work to do--and many more lost souls to try to reach! Please continue to pray for our work!



Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Nights At The Skating Rink and Friendship

When I was growing up in Mesquite, for some reason I just never wanted to go skating--even though most of my school friends did! A few years back at one of my children's birthday parties--I put some skates on--and I somehow by the grace of God--was able to walk around the rink one time and that was enough!

So tonight when I went to pick up Jayden and Bryson and young David Oldright from Westlake Skate, I was kinda moved. While I am not a skater, I was nonetheless encouraged at seeing those three boys there together--having fun but still looking out for one another. I was reminded of how me and their dads did just that for many years--had lots of fun and looked out for one another.

I had memories of many times--me, Shawn Anthamatten (Bryson's late father) and David Oldright Sr., being just a tad older than our boys--just enjoying the simple things of life and enjoying youth! After Shawn died, my son Jayden said "Dad, don't worry--me, Bryson, and little David will carry on the legacy of our dads."

Watching them tonight at the skating rink--I saw that legacy in place--and it moved my heart so!

God is so good to me and lets me experience many wonderful moments. Tonight was one of them!

Sometimes we just have to enjoy the simple things in life God provides us. Here is what King Solomon said about the simple life:

"A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work" (Ecclesiastes 2:24, NIV).

Grace and Peace,

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So many people who did not know me growing up in Mesquite, often assume I grew up in church. I did not. When I was a small boy, I attended Hickory Tree Baptist Church Nursery School and when I was a teenager, I attended Bruton Road Christian Church a handful of times with my best friend Andy--but that was about all the church I had. (On a side note, many years later I would preach for Bruton Road Christian Church in return for my young congregation getting to meet at their facility and eventually when Bruton Road CC disbanded, they gave us the facility).

Now, I had wonderful parents who lived Godly lives. My dad asked the blessing over the food at every meal and I remember my mom teaching me Bible stories as a child. I remember my dad always teaching us Godly values like fidelity between a husband and wife, honesty and integrity, love and compassion and so many other traits that would line up with what Paul would teach in Galatians 5 called the "Fruit of the Spirit." My dad always taught us the importance of what II Thesalonians teaches regarding that "A man who does not work should not eat." However, my parents did not attend a church during my lifetime. That is a story for another time.

So after my parents had both passed away by the time I was 23, I really had little moral compass in my life other than what stuck with me from their example. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately depending on how you look at it--I knew enough of how to look Christian on the outside--but did not live a Christian lifestyle in my personal life. I was very politically ambitious in my teens and 20s, so I worked very hard to appear like a good Christian businessman. But again, that was not really who I was on the inside. Topless bars, pornography, fornication with every female I could get with (many who I did not treat so great), and a very foul mouth around my worldy friends was who I really was that the community did not see.

Then when I was 27 I went to work for a man who God has used to change my life and the lives of many, many people for the better. Mike Tolleson was the owner of CiCi's Pizza South Mesquite (he still is along with his partner Tom Grace) and I had worked for him part time several years before. At the time, Mike was the Deacon of Evangelism at Mesquite Church of Christ and had led many people to the Lord over the years, including several of his managers. Not long after going to work as a manager for Mike, I began to attend a Monday morning Bible study before our managers' meeting. Although I did not attend real often at first--because THEY MET AT 6 AM!!!! And most who know me know I was a night owl for years. I would attend the Bible studies here and there because I did not want to appear to be anti-Christian. Then after several weeks of attending, I began to hear some things about God's word I had never heard before. I began to listen to some things Mike and Tom and the other managers were sharing with me. One morning when Mike was out of town, I had heard some things about what Jesus said we need to do to attain salvation--and so Tom and I had a follow up study just he and I after our manager's meeting. After that discussion/study--I realized that I was not right with the Lord. So we left and went down the street to Mesquite Church of Christ where Mike and the other managers were members. Mike was out of town, so Tom took my confession--that Jesus is the Son of God, I committed to living a life of repentance, and Tom baptized me. I remember a brother and fellow manager Sean Maness being there along with Mike's mom Diane Tolleson and a couple of other witnesses and my older brother Johnny. That day was the day of my new birth in Jesus Christ!

For the first few months after that, I was on a spiritual high and was fully planning on staying pure until I found a wife and was going to live a new and up right life. I was at worship every Sunday when I was off, Wednesday night Bible class, and every Monday morning Bible study. Then the new wore off and the old Bruce began to want to come back. Satan knew my weaknesses and was angry that I had been taken out of his hold, so he began to make the old life look pretty good again. Soon I was back in sin or working hard to get into sin. And my ambition and career goals continued to be my main priority--not Jesus! A couple of years go by and I lived like many new Christians--some days warm, some days cool--but never really hot or cold. And I am so thankful Jesus did not spew me out of His mouth for being lukewarm!

So many times the other brothers I worked with would really try to hold my feet to the fire. When I would date different women, if one of the brothers thought there was some inappropriate relations, they'd just flat out ask me. Those guys would not let up on me. I kept trying to "play church" and live my own life--and those guys loved me enough to keep holding me accountable. I did not much care for it then, but I thank God today for them not giving up on me!

About 6 months before Christi and I started dating, I had finally started maturing some spiritually and got the "evangelism" itch from Mike and the other guys. I had watched Mike teach and baptize dozens of people and I had watched the other managers bring many of their friends and family to the Lord. So Mike taught me how to sit down with someone one on one and teach them the Gospel and prepare them to know what they needed to do to be born again. I began doing a lot of personal evangelism work. Then Christi and I got married in June of 02.

As a new husband and step-father of two small children, I did not know a lot--but I knew I needed to at least carry my family to worship each Sunday and try to live a good example of Christ. But that just was not enough. And after about 6 months of marraige and almost being ready to divorce, my wife and I realized we would have to get serious about our relationships with God and really get into His word. So both of us got involved in men's and women's Bible studies and we began to grow more. We began to study some together and pray together. Then I continued doing personal evangelism work with friends, people who came into CiCi's, teens who worked for me and others. I got more involved in teaching kids' classes at church and was given some opportunities to participate in worship services--like leading communion thoughts or leading prayers and such. Soon I was teaching individuals here and there and baptizing them. Christi and I had a handful of people we let live with us who were down on their luck--that we were able to lead to the Lord through that process.

As I was going through those early days of ministry, God put another great spiritual mentor in my life, a man named Kent Sutherland. Kent had been a preacher for many years and was at the time--an elder at Highland Oaks Church of Christ. Later, he would help plant New Hope Church of Christ and became an elder there. Kent taught me so much and was such a blessing to both me and my wife. He is still a blessing today. My wife looks at Kent like a daddy. And of course, there were other wonderful men as well who were great mentors and inspirations to me.

Eventually, I had a vision to start ministries and churches in places of poverty and hopelessness--where there would otherwise be no Christianity. Then I read the Book of Nehemiah and was moved by how Nehemiah was so upset at the plight of God's people back in Jerusalem--that he took action and with God's help--led the rebuilding of the walls and gates around Jerusalem. I began to wonder what could happen if Christians in my community saw the plight of what poor people and or people who did not have the Lord in their lives around my community--began to get out of their church buildings and go minister to people and share the hope and love of Jesus! So one day in January of 2005, I began to knock doors at Allenhurst Apartments and made friends and started sharing Jesus with them.

Within a few months, we had taught and baptized about 20 people and lives were changing. We called that new ministry, The Nehemiah Ministry. A few months later, I felt called to go into full time ministry. So my wife and I stepped out on faith and I started to school at Dallas Christian College working on a BS in Ministry and Leadership. While I was in school, I continued to lead the Nehemiah Ministry. Eventually we were able to get an apartment at Allenhurst and was having devotionals, Bible classes, and other activities with kids and a few adults. By the time I graduated DCC in May of 07--we had taught and baptized over 70 people and many of those new Christians were serving God and their lives were slowly being transformed. In June of 07, we transitioned the minsitry into a new congregation that would be called "At The Cross Church of Christ." My wife actually came up with the name--her thought was to keep the focus "On The Cross."

Over the last 5 years of being in full time ministry--I have watched God over and over do absolutely amazing and supernatural things in people's lives! I have been so priveliged to teach and baptize over 100 people! I'd love to say that they were all serving God faithfully--but for the ones that fell away--at least they had the seed planted in them and we know that God always has HIS "Welcome Back" mat out! But many of those new Christians are now serving God and sharing their faith with others and it has been so incredible to watch! I have had the opportunity to baptize and marry several couples at the same time. I have had the opportunity to help other men and women share their faith with others. I have also seen some pretty tough things and seen a lot of misery and pain and hurt in people. I have seen my family be hurt numerous times in ministry--and I have had to make a lot of changes in how I minister--and make sure my family is my first line of ministry!

I need to mention, that we could not have planted At The Cross or done many of the things that have been done for Jesus--were it not for Golf Course Road Church of Christ, Highland Oaks Church of Christ and Nexus Church Planting. Along with many Christians from various different congregations who have rolled up their sleeves to help us in the trenches!

My vision is that Lord willing, we will one day plant more low income apartment ministries and plant many new churches--including house churches. My vision is that from what the Lord started back at CiCi's Pizza--will continue to bless many, many people--and that MANY will come to know Jesus Christ and that generations will one day be in Heaven!

I am so humbled at God's confidence in me--although I have let HIM down sooooo many times! I am so honored to be a fellow worker in Christ and to serve as a servant leader in HIS church. Guys like me, really should not be preachers and doing what we are doing. But God has a plan for each of us. I am so happy to have been a apart of HIS plan! Its funny, for someone who used to be so ambitious--I can honestly say--that at 39 years of age--there is really nothing I could ever be apart of--that would top what I have already done in my service to the Lord! I have gotten to watch the hand of God work in people's lives--including my own. And like everyone else, I am still a piece of clay being molded and shaped and I have so much more growing and maturing to do. I am merely a messenger!

I am so thankful that I met Mike Tolleson many years ago!

And the mission of Jesus goes forward.
