Sunday, March 7, 2010


I thought I would share a note to my congregation--for our Monday morning church e-mail on my blog today:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ! I titled this e-mail "New Week, New Blessings" because I believe God wants to bless all of us this week!!! Lets be ready to receive those blessings! God stands ready and willing to do GREAT things in our lives--not always what we want--but great and wonderful things nonetheless--if we will accept HIS blessings and love! Why not start this week? Why not listen closely to what HE has to say to us? Why not spend some time each day in HIS word for HIM to reveal how we should live and follow HIS ways? God's on the move!

I was so moved at the love I felt from all of the Highland Oaks family today when I told the congregation thank you for helping us with the fundraiser and all their other help on the ground. I got prayed over by several members before I left--my cup runneth over!!

James Chancellor did such a wonderful job these past two Sundays about bringing Christ into our homes! I really meant what I said today too--that as much as I want our congregation to be about outreach and evangelism--IF ALL EACH OF YOU DO IS JUST GET BETTER AT MINISTERING TO YOUR FAMILIES--THAT WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO EVANGELIZE!!! Love your spouses a little more, love your kids a little more, learn and talk to God a little more and your homes will be very joy filled places!

I enjoyed me, James, and JT taking the Sr. High teens bowling--AND JAMES CAN BOWL!!! We also had a great time last night at the church apartment with the 6th grade and under kids for the pizza/devotional. Special thanks to Sarah, Tim, and Megan for helping me.


This Sunday Lloyd and I will be starting a new series on The Book of Ruth. We will be spending some time unpacking this wonderful story of love, devotion, compassion, and mercy along with how God can take something difficult--even our sin and rebellion--and make it something beautiful! Then the following Sunday--is our special celebration for our children.

The Leadership Team loves each of you very much. LETS SHARE JESUS WITH SOMEONE THIS WEEK!


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